Thursday, March 31, 2011

There is no words to bring forth to title this.. no words could even come close to trying to express how to put a title on this...

I haven’t sat at the keyboard this shaken .. this moved… this trembling… this full … this face flushed by tears that have been poured out for hours…. I haven’t spent a day with questions and then answers … I haven’t been poured into and delighted in and celebrated and shown…..

There are times where the already and not yet aspect of the Kingdom tear at my heart…. Tear at my very being…. There are times where I wish I could break through the window… the mirror… the glass … the veil that separates time and eternity….

There are times when I wish that I could reach across and instead of seeing in part and knowing in part I could know Him fully… Instead of seeing in a vision or feeling the whispers I could stand full on face to face…. That the wedding day would be here and that there would be us and that would be that……

There are times when I know my doubt and it breaks me … it breaks me because I know Him… I know His nature… I know His character… I know who He is and who He isn’t…. I know that that which He says He brings to pass and that which He promises He is never slow to bring forward….

I know His tears and His heart and His hunger…. I know His presence and His glory and His majesty… I know my Father… His son.. my brother… I know His Spirit and His song and His flight….. I know Him… I know Him….

My heart hungers and aches and yearns … I suffocate and long for His touch and His voice and His breath….

I stare out into the future from the window and I crumble inside at the thought that tomorrow doesn’t bring us fully together…. That the tomorrows are still yet to come before we are face to face and never apart….

You… You are all … You are all that sustains me and all that propels me on… You ….. Glorious.. wonderful You… I celebrate You with all that is within me … I honor You… I rejoice in You… I worship You…. You are all that which I belong to… You are that which draws me in and brings me alive… without You there is no good thing….

Your hands upon my face… Your gaze staring into all that I am…. Your dignity … Your majesty…. Your splendor bearing down upon me and bearing their weight into me…. Who have I but You?

Who have I but You?

Though all might collapse around me… though a thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand… Whom have I but You?

You hold my gaze so that my eyes and my focus are solely upon You… You touch my flesh and my soul so that where I would falter You hold me up…..

I sit here and eyes closed and fingers playing upon the lettered keys I find my place in You…. And there it is… there it is.. there is You… oh glorious… beautiful… marvelous.. wonderful.. incredible.. You… and there is me… There is You and there is me and there is a love story of the ages…. I am a girl so utterly and fully loved by a God who knows me so fundamentally that as I shake my head and look into Your eyes I am baffled and undone and staggering to even sit under the weight of Your affections…

You have taught me to breath all anew… You have ravished my heart and You have called me Your own.. and You have stood by my side and brought all that I would ever truly dream of to pass….

Your heart .. it is expressed in the words that fill Your book… You wanted a people… You are God… You wanted a people who would want You … like You want them…

I am a girl and You… You are my God… You are my God and I … I am Your girl…..

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