Tuesday, March 8, 2011

In not seeing You I see You all the clearer............

Having written lately about the times when the Lord makes more visible His presence and I wrote the "I see You ... You see me" articles .... I have grown in my understanding of how tender our Lord is... His gaze and those things He does have served to bring me to my knees often throughout my most recent times with Him....

Today I have found a new equilibrium within our journey together.... a time when as a daughter I jump in blind.... I jump in with trust and dependence .....

A time when it isn't visibly clear that He sees me .... A time when it isn't visibly clear that I see Him.... as if a heavy fog descended upon us ...

But I rely on that which I know about Him regardless of what sight He brings or allows.....

His love isn't any less when it isn't seen or heard
His character isn't any different
His ways don't change
His nearness isn't altered....

When I don't see I know that I know that I know He and His affections are always present.. The blessing of knowing Him and those parts of Him He reveals in moments of sight are the most translated into reality when upon their absence that which flows forth from them still flows...

Within the concept of many seeking out experiences for the sake of the experience or moments of sight for the sake of it and not what it brings carries that person into moments when sight or experience are not present into a place of weakness....

I am not dependent on what I see or the experiences that I may have... my dependence is upon my God... and that He never changes... and so whether I see Him... or feel Him... or hear Him... I can always know Him... He is always present... we know that because He says so in His word......

I have actually loved these last few days where sight hasn't been as prevalent because they have shown me that the work my Father has done within me through those moments of such grace have born down upon me and are refashioning me into more of His... That I intrinsically knee jerk reaction into knowing His love and affection whether He is seen or experienced or just thought upon....

I love that He is always with me... I love that He is always present... I love that He sees me at all times regardless of whatever sight I have.... I love that He calls me His own... and that I am His... I love that ...

In not seeing You I see You all the clearer and I love these moments between us.... You are ever so tender and kind.... strong and all knowing.... awesome and mighty....

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