Thursday, March 17, 2011

Honey ... I was dead when I got them... well.. that is what he said

Upon the article that I wrote recently concerning the already and the not yet.... the promise given and the waiting period there was much interest.... I think that that is a subject that many of us walk through time and time again.....

We receive this dream... this vision... these words full of hope and promise and they are confirmed and confirmed and confirmed and we fill like we are just right around the corner from their fulfillment.... so what happens when that right around the corner becomes a month... a year... 5 years... 10 years... longer........

I was once in Utah sitting at a table with a well known prophetic voice who was telling the stories about how things he had received from the Lord were just coming about 30 some odd years later.... I looked at him and I said .." How did you hold on to believing that the revelation was from the Lord and not just you?" He looked me right in the eye and said, "honey I was dead when I got them..."

Now he had heard the revelation straight from the Lord's mouth and been there, in Heaven, upon that receiving that .... not so the case with most of us......

So that not being the case how do we journey forth from the vision to the fulfillment..... how do we keep our hearts from being full of hopes deferred? How do we successfully lay down promises and hold onto the hand of the one promising and not ever let go.....

How do we keep believing that which was said amidst a journey so many times filled with times of waiting? How do we? Well, in all honesty I don't think we always do.. and I think within that journey who we are and who we will be becomes..... I think we become the person who will walk in the fulfillment by the wait... I think the waiting becomes the soil for which the promise comes forth...

I know I don't journey the already and the not yet as well as I would like... but I am trying to learn to look up more and not as forward... I am trying to focus on Him more and less on the things that have been spoken... They will come to pass... If I walk my life... not even perfectly but just walk it.... look at Abraham willing to lie about Sarah... having an Ishmael.... and yet... he was still Abraham.... and he still one day had Isaac.....

Why do we think we have to be more? I am learning and thinking that it is more in the walking then in how well we walk... that it is more in the not giving up then in the perfection of that walk....

I don't fully understand that which I am about to share but many years ago I was just walking across my living room in New Hampshire when the room opened up and upon that scene was a man sitting there ... dejected... in a prison.... I knew immediately that that man was Joseph...

Joseph of the old testament... Joseph the one who would be released from prison and save all of Egypt... but guess what ... in that prison... he didn't know that he was that Joseph.. oh, he had had the dreams....

But where was he?

He was in prison...... in those moments... there was minimal interaction but I knew to speak to him that he was indeed Joseph and that he would save all Egypt.... and then it was all gone... and my living room and I were as if nothing had happened... except I stood there for a very long time......

Who would we be different if we knew the end of the story.... if we had someone come to us and say but you are (fill in the blank) how would we live our lives today.....

My prayer as we talk about these things is that we would be able to walk forward and boldly.... living confidently in the already and the not yet......

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