Friday, March 4, 2011

No fancy title or cunning phrase ... just words put together in a hope to lure you to Him... to His love for you. His grand and amazing love for you

Glimpses of You filter in and fill my day and yet my heart hungers to know You all the more and walk with You and never leave Your side.....

I feel so simplistic at times... glances upwards saturate my soul and leave me full and yet wanting.... wanting and yearning .... I pause ... I sit... I linger... I wonder... I stare out into the room that is in front of me and my mind and heart fill with a wonderment .... a wonderment of how near You always linger ... how close You always are.... Regardless of my perception... truth remains that You couldn't be closer ...

How I love when You through Your grace empower me to enter into those moments and see ... see that which truly surrounds.... that which the atmosphere truly drips of.......... Your love permeates all that there is and floods my very soul........

I touch the table this computer sits upon... I touch the keyboard and my fingers leap from letter to letter... all the while I feel surrounded by You..... While the things that I can literally touch at will and see with my eyes appear to be more real the reality that You bring is so much richer and so much stronger and so much more true.....

I sit at the day's end and yet don't want to move from this precious place of beholding You.. ....

How to convey to any who would read these words how to step towards Him more and more.... I read of those who have walked before me such as Brother Lawrence and have learned to acknowledge the presence of the One whom I love and whose love saturates my being......

I have gotten very simplistic in my belief about Him who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and Creator of all things.....

not at all to reduce Him to simplicity but rather to just remove complexity

... and questions that would just be philosophical in nature I haven't spent much time upon...

not that some aren't called to that very task and to them I want to learn from and glean from and receive from

but for me...

I sit ... just as a girl... just as a daughter... at the feet of her Father... Who while King of Kings and Lord of Lords and Creator of everything loves me more than I could ever comprehend.... loves me deeper than there is depth... wider than there is width... longer than there is length ... higher than there is height......

I sit in the knowledge of that and while my frame is tired from the work of the day and my mind full of the cares of a family... the knowledge of that love pours over me and stirs me onward and forward....

Simplicity brings me to my knees and causes my heart to worship for in all that He is... He is my Father... He is my King... He is my Lord and Savior... and for each of those relationships He fills me and teaches me and leads me and loves me...

and I take that for what it is...

It is truly awesome and incredible and marvelous and wonderful and life and joy and beauty and dance and song and sunshine and liberty....

Ah ... yes... being loved by Him is liberty... liberty without measure... without limitation... without constraint .... being loved by Him is life.... and I will grab a hold of it and linger within it and articulate it to the utmost of my abilities and when my abilities fail and fall short... I will stand up all the taller and grab a hold of it and linger within it and pray for the grace to articulate it all the more.....

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