Friday, February 4, 2011

A place to which I belong

I have always longed for family.... I had always wondered
I will always think upon a time when having spent time with a dear family
I left them and realized how much stronger I was because of just having been with them...
How safe I felt... how much being with them gave me a sense of belonging to something bigger than myself

Those precious moments branded me and taught me the value of family...
The proverbial circling of the wagons against exposure ... attack ... harm

While I have a family of my own now...
I have in the last few weeks realized it was much bigger than I ever thought...

I'm not talking about the Body of Christ here...
While that is true.. while it is true we have brothers and sisters
that we walk the earth with... that we share in each others sorrows ...sufferings.. and victories

I'm talking about other aspects of family....

There is not just a Father and a Brother... there is not just brothers and sisters who have gone before us and make up the great cloud of witnesses.... We belong to them and them to us but there is so much more...

Can you imagine Gehazi's wonderment when his eyes were made open to the realities of that which had been surrounding him? Those that were there to fight for him....

There are aspects to our Father's kingdom that are still sent and still linger and still watch over and still bring strength .... When the aspects of this world come upon our very souls and the realities of this world would bear down.... it would bring us great strength and hope and courage to have our eyes made open to the truest reality that exists right before our very beings.....

I appreciate all aspects to my Father's kingdom.... demonstrations of which whether a simple act of kindness or a revealing of that which resides in the unseen realities strength me and grant me grace to be within a world that intrinsically I am not of.....

To that which I belong I receive... grace and affection from Father, Salvation and mercy from my Brother, courage and wisdom from witnesses of days that have transpired, and strength and might from all that work for my Father's kingdom...

I realize how much stronger I am because of them...

How safe I feel... how much being with them gives me a sense of belonging to something bigger than myself...

The reality of that which would be my truest home... the reality of a Father and a Son and Spirit... The reality of a Kingdom that shines and shimmers forth filled with streets of gold and crystal seas.... a place that knows no tears... no sorrow... a place where I am already seated and yet still have to journey towards...

A place to which I belong.......


Julie said...

I still see you on the white pegasus as you said...seated there but still must journey to get are there and I am praying for courage to fully enter and never return. Resident alien...

mims said...

that was a great picture... I loved what you added... holding on and yet letting go... crazy kingdom paradigm