Sunday, February 13, 2011

Glimpses of that place undo me .... We are His craftmanship

So much runs through my heart tonight..... thoughts of a Kingdom ... of richness and wealth unbeknown to mankind upon this Earth..... aspects of greatness that no eye has seen or ear has heard... trumpet sounds so glorious and crystal clear whose notes ring out into the air and form a continuous echo ... and a purity and holiness of royal blood unmatched by anything ever historically known ..... sights and sounds of a Kingdom's terrains..... seas so crisp and clear and remarkable... streets that shine so brightly even in what would be called night ....

when no eye has seen it and no hear has heard nor could the heart of man fully comprehend it.... when it is so other than anything known or experienced..... when the perfect order and glorious nature of all that it entails.... when the air that sparkles is breathed in and the fragrance of the atmosphere so rich with life envelopes.... one has stepped foot into a realm so full of beauty... so perfectly full of abundance.... so majestically structured that ever single particle aligns itself to perfection ... so flawlessly and entirely fitted for us .... then one has had a miniscule glimpse of that which we most certainly for all eternity belong to.......

All that would even attempt to come close upon this earth... the most impressive wealth, the most glamorous home, the most far won power or authority pales in comparison.....

There is a peace so strikingly intense whose existence penetrates and pierces all...... there is a love so undefeatable ... so untainted.... so fierce and so physically powerful..... that there is nothing that exists that could separate it from the subject of its affections....... there is a citizenship whose members know their God... know their King.... know whom it is that they serve and whose they are..... A citizenship whose eyes gleam with a knowledge of their station and right within Kingdom perimeters..... A people whose hearts have been brought forth into an abundance of life ... whose affections and passions have been utterly and wholly won and whose allegiances know no distraction .........

This Kingdom... This people.... This is that which we are called towards... it is that which we are...... it is not a figment of an overactive imagination.... it is not something that the mind of man could conjure up or even begin to fathom without the grace to think upon it and glimpse into it... This is that which we are ambassadors of.... that place... that Kingdom... that people.... that peace... that love... that wholeness... This is that which brands us as other than... that screams forth an attention .... that states to all that exists within the physical and spiritual realms that there is a new creation.... that the sons and daughters of the Kingdom of God are arising... and they will know where they come from.. and they will know where it is that they are going... and they will know their God and be known by Him

The Earth, herself, groans with the anticipation of the coming forth of these ones.... all of creation ... all of that which would be rejoices and celebrates the majesty of a King whose love.. affection.. determination... passion.... resolve has brought about a day and a time that will bring about a celebration so grand and so marvelous unmatched throughout all time and eternity as to befit a Bride Groom and His Bride..... ... it is coming... there is a feast... a spectacle of the ages.... the very heartbeat of a Father whose longing for a Bride for His Son... there it is .... a wedding... a fulfillment ... a celebration... a time where the Lion and the Lamb lie down together and all is right........

It is our story... it is our song.... it is that which calls forth to us and pulls us into itself..... it is the thing that grips onto our hearts and causes us to hunger for the more..... it is the truest essence of all that we are............ there is no day richer than the day when I catch glimpses of that place... of the One whose rule and reign exists perfectly there.... there is not a day that I don't hunger for more than just that glimpse.... there is not a moment when I would rather be breathing in her air than that which fills the atmosphere around me....

That place has won my heart and I so desperately hunger for it to create within me an undivided nature... eyes so set upon the goal that nothing could distract...

His love is like that you know... It is so disturbing at times... His love.... melts mountains like wax... melts my heart ... consumes all that it touches and yet leaves me intact... for I am the object of its affections ..... it is a love so full of fervor and jealousy that it doesn't ever stop... so immeasurable and so complete in its makeup and constitution that at the core and foundation of its very essence is perfection.... casting out all that would be other .. all that would attempt to rise up against it.... Its stands so awesomely beautiful ... so stunning... so gorgeous in its nature that it brings forth awe from all that behold it.....

Our God.. our King... our Lord... our Friend... our Savior... Our Redeemer... our Father... our Brother... The Prince of Peace... Almighty God... Counselor... This is our Kingdom.... This is our Home.. This is that place that we belong.. and the attributes of it....

May our eyes behold Her Glory.... and our hearts ... well may they take courage to know that in all that She is ... she is our eternal home.... Her places are where our feet will walk... the rule and reign of this place will go on and on and on... and may the beauty of all that she is capture our attentions and our affections and carry us onward to be all that He knows we are.......... We are His craftsmanship...fashioned in His image... carrying it..... may His resemblance be so found upon us that we shine forth light and life and liberty for all.....


Sue said...

Your words are breathtaking Mims. Thank you Lord that there is so much more!!!! Amen!

Terry Bedard said...

What you described is absolutely beautiful! I can remember many years being at a Christian meeting and with my eyes closed I heard the minister speaking but it wasn't really him whom I was hearing. I was hearing the voice of Jesus and it was so clear and there were as waterfalls along with it. I can recall listening to the tape later on and being so disappointed that it wasn't there. It was one of those Heavenly moments. I, so, enjoy what you shared. It draws out some of my experiences. Thank you.

mims said...

So blessed that you are enjoying this... I tell you .. I don't know where I go sometimes... the wonder and beauty of Him and all that He entails... isn't it wonderful... Let's all pray for more times like that.... It just does the heart so good.....