Monday, February 28, 2011

If you don't ever Risk opening up your eyes you will spend your life walking around blind and in the dark.... RISK... Fifth out of five ways to increase your ability to have eyes that see

Risk.... The fifth in my series of how to Increase your ability to have eyes that see.....

By very definition the word risk holds within it exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance... that is how the word is defined on the website.

I have stepped into a place where I could daily be considered wrong... delusional... fanciful... one who possesses an over active imagination... liar... fraud.... but when I stop and consider that which is sprouting up within the picture of my life ... I don't doubt....

I am more in awe of God... I am more in love with God... my husband... my children... I am more propelled towards a life full of love and joy.... I have such a depth of peace that there are no words that could describe.... I journey forth from my times of visitation or sight with a strength and a courage that I have never possessed.... If it is delusion than I will take delusion... if it is the product of an over active imagination than I will take that as well....

I don't stand in a place of thought of special entitlements rather I am brought to an awareness that the Father loves us all so very much that He hungers to give us sight and the capacity to know and to hear.... He hungers to be in relationship with us and if He is in relationship with us than of course we are going to see Him and touch Him and hear Him and know Him.....

Three things are at play with Risking....

First the fear of what if I don't see anything... what if I don't hear anything ... what if I search and seek and ask and knock and nothing happens.... what if I hope again only to be made heart sick again by timing being deferred.... Remember a fulfilled longing is a tree of life.... God has life for you... for me... He is the most brilliant of fathers... the most marvelous of caretakers.... Asking Him for bread He will never give a stone...

Really Mims... really because I have asked and sought after and knocked but to only come up with nothing... nothing.....

My heart aches for you as you proceed within your journey but I know this I know that it isn't Him...

so here is number two.....

Walk through the fears of what holds you back from risking... walk through the barriers that life, flesh, soul have put up.... however you can... scale the walls that have been erected and demolish them so as to take back the plunder.... that which the enemy has stolen from you ... that which you have been robbed from...

Literally it took me over a decade through processing times of healing.. to interactions with Jesus to cautiously placing one toe into the waters of the Father's heart.... to enter into this season and receive His beckoning forward.....

He is patient and He is kind and He is longsuffering.... He is gentle and He is compassionate... and He is sympathetic and He is unwavering in His affections and passions.... let healing and faith arise within you and your eyes will be made open....

Thirdly.... Listen... to me on this... listen to me on this .... I didn't have an earthly father I could relate to ... I didn't know any reality of fathering upon this earth that would give me any foundation to believe that Father is good.....

But I believe Him... I know that when asking for bread I will not end up with a stone.. I know that now... I used to be afraid that at my first mistake there would be a fist there or words of destruction there and I was full of fear... In that I was alone.... I walked with the heart of an orphan hunger for the affections of a father.....

As I began to risk and trust that which the word says about Him.. that which Jesus says about Him... as I began to walk forward into healing and wholeness and my eyes were made more and more open... and I saw Him more and more... I was like one utterly possessed and I went from cowering prisoner to emboldened daughter..... Because of His affections that are poured out upon me daily.... poured out upon all of us moment to moment....

The blinders of fear fell off of my eyes and there before me wasn't a fraud.... there before me wasn't a liar... there before me wasn't one who would ever disappoint... There before me was the very one who sung me into being... who knew all of me intricately... There before for me was my Creator ... Father... and in Him I have been made complete...

Risk opening your eyes and your senses to our kingdom... it is your birth right as a child.. it is your inheritance as an ambassador... it is heritage as a citizen of heaven... It is yours.... If we being evil love our child and hunger to give them good gifts... His hunger and love makes ours seem like a drop of water out of a dropper compared to an ever flowing ocean.................

There are those who are so scrupulously afraid of doing wrong that they seldom venture to do anything. ~Vauvenargues

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little course, and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice. Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. ~André Gide

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