Sunday, March 31, 2013

Why are you looking for the living among the dead?

I love that question of Christ.

It doesn't just challenge me on Easter.  It challenges me always.  Every day that is a great question.

It is a litmus test.

It is a calling back to truth.

It is a great examiner of motivation, of intent, of ambition.

What am I looking for and where am I looking for it?

"Why are you looking for the living among the dead?"

What living am I looking for?

Am I beholding the one who is alive and living forth from that place or am I looking for Him in places He won't be found?

What things are dead?

What things are of no use?

What things still do and should reside in the tombs and graveyards?

I looked for life in a marriage.

I looked for life in children.

I looked for life in  ministry, things I could do.

I looked for life in finances.

I looked for life in work.

I looked for life in relationships, friendships, connections.

I looked for life in church.

I looked for life in stores and shops.

I looked for life in titles, favor, responsibilities.

Why are you looking for the living among the dead?

What a most beautiful and majestic question?  Not just for Easter but for every single day!

In acknowledging the death that comes from the pursuit of such things, it was a pushing through the crowds.  The crowd full of what this world says to grab a hold of for success.  In order to be successful one needs this or that,  the right resume, the right job, the right home, the right clothes, the right cars, the right fill in the blank.

 The pursuit becomes exhausting and as Solomon points out for all the ages that in the attaining of such things it is meaningless.  Pushing through the crowds.. the noise... all... to lay a hold of His garments.

As news spread legs would begin to run...

Running to the tomb to find it empty....

For true life had come......

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