Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Some lies are easy to spot... Some not so much

What if you belonged to a cult?  What if in the course of a day you were kept under powerful hot lights?  What if at the end of the day you were taken out to a table set outside in the cool, fresh beautiful early evening of the Summer?  What if you hadn't had anything to drink?  What if you hadn't had anything to eat?  What if there was drink and food on the table?  What if the words that were spoken were these,  "We have set a table before you in the presence of your enemies, your cup now overflows, in the light you had nothing to drink and nothing to eat but once you were in darkness you were fed, given something for your thirst.  In the darkness you found life and in the light you were harmed, the light is your enemy, the darkness your friend."

Creepy but think for a moment if you a child, what would you believe?

As an adult you can look at that scenario and think a whole range of things but you can easily see the lies.

What about this one?

There is a tub of boiling hot water.  A tub of water that is freezing cold.  A tub of luke warm water.  If you were made to go into one which one would you pick?  Which one would be the most preferable?  Boiling hot water?  Freezing cold water?  Luke warm water?  Would you come into agreement with the lies spoken over you that your life would neither been hot or cold but always luke warm?  If it meant not being put back into the freezing cold water or the boiling hot water?  If it meant you could go into the room temperature water?  Would you receive that lie into your life?

Taking every thought captive.. this journey of days that are passing.  Revisiting places and thought patterns and belief systems... so didn't foresee all that these days would entail.

What lies do you believe?

Is your worth far above rubies?

All you altogether beautiful without spot or blemish?

Are you wonderfully and fearfully made?  Does your soul know it well?

Does God really never leave nor ever forsake?

He is always with you?  Has He counted the hairs upon your head?  Are you crowned in loving kindness?

Are the words of peers, loved ones, bosses more true than the words that the Lord would speak over you?

Are you beloved?  Do you really ravish the heart of God?  Are you His majestic one in whom His delight dwells?  Is your worth and value beyond anything you could comprehend and unaffected by anything you do?  Are you loved?

Looking into the crazy awful actions of occult like behavior it is easy to spot the lies...  What about looking in the mirror?  What about watching your daily life?  What about following your patterns of thought?  Are the lies as easy to see... are they any less important to confront?

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