Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Breaking the shroud of shame ... WE as the Church... as the representation of Christ on Earth MUST step up and step in...

I honestly haven't developed theology around why I was healed... I don't think there is any theology to it...  I don't know why God does or doesn't heal at times...T I'm not a theologian.  Those that are wiser than I tackle those topics.

I was mentally ill.....

I was silent for 19 years....

I got saved....

I was still silent......

No longer......  NO LONGER......

I am beyond convinced that that which people aren't sharing is that which is killing them.

What else I know...

I was given a safe place...

I was allowed to walk in weakness....

I was granted the grace to face the trauma that had filled my life...

I was granted a refuge in the arms of the Body of Christ...

I was fortunate....

I was not shamed for being weak....

I was not ostracized  that I didn't have enough faith...

I was held...

I was given the gift of patience...

I was given the gift of life....

I was not made to put on a show...  put on a brave face....

Christ.. defied the religious notions of His day...  no longer white washed tombs... no longer perfect exteriors with dried bones within....  the weak are welcome, the lepers are welcome, the lost are welcome, the Gerasene Demoniac is welcome, the woman with the issue of blood is welcome... Come you who are weak and heavy laden .. COME.... COME...... COME....


I remember the days when the stigma of having been mentally ill fell off of me... I remember when I began to open my mouth and began to talk about my life and about my journey....

Why was I healed.... I truly don't know.. I'm grateful... But if I was to leap and guess as to why...  Maybe it is that He knew that I would then open my mouth and say that whether you are healed or you are walking out the pain and anguish of mental illness there is HOPE.... THERE IS HOPE....

Raising my voice and talking about this is fueling others to do so and so I will share and share and share and share and break off of those that walk with mental illness the stigma of less than, of lacking... and help wherever and whenever I can to bring HOPE.....

I was a pile of dry bones and now I am part of an exceedingly great army... AND it is VERY GOOD!!!!!

He is hope to the hopeless

He is a father to the fatherless

He comes and ministers and brings hope.... NOT SHAME

He encounters the lost... the broken... the scared.... the miserable... the suffering... HE is the CHRIST... He is the WAY.....

It is time for those that love HIM to step up and step in and drop judgement and condemnation and live forward with the heart of the Christ we serve and love....  MERCY... Grace... HOPE... Life..... JOY...

Weeping with those who weep

There is no stigma....  There is hope...... THERE IS HOPE... I wouldn't be alive if this wasn't true... I wouldn't be sane if this wasn't true....

He never leaves... He never forsakes...

May we step in

May we step up

May we be His arms and legs and hands and mouth and eyes and ears and and and and .........

Come ALL you who are weary and heavy laden... HE GIVES REST!!!


Anonymous said...

Love this, God Bless you!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, anointed with the peace you received in your thoughts. I have been down that road, long story, but without God, I had no hope, none whatsoever of being free from the torment. What love he has shown to me....and you....and anyone who will reach to him.