Tuesday, April 9, 2013

From daughter to bride......

The conversation was full and awakening.  There were places I needed to know Christ as the Bride Groom.

The beauty and the compassion of God is what I long for more than anything else..  The reality of walking out a love relationship with the Lord is beyond words.  Beyond comprehension really...  The incredible multi-faceted love relationship with the Trinity is excitement to me, holy.. full of awe and reverence.

While I had an earthly father and I have been taught how important it is to honor him, I live upon the earth fatherless now... And even while he was alive there was a complicated and hard history.

There are places where I end up with a large ache in my heart... heck, in my entire being because of a felt lack or need to be fathered in places.  In turning towards God as Father there has been redemption beyond my wildest imagination.  He has so thoroughly  brought forth healing and joy into these places that the term, daughter, is the most fantastic thing I could ever be called.  He did that... It used to be close to a swear word in my ears and in my heart...

And while there has been beautiful aspects of  fullness in this between us, Father and daughter... There were more places He wanted me to go ...

A dear friend saw it and as the conversation was entered into the acknowledgement of being turned towards the Bride Groom was what was in the atmosphere.

"Go on a walk."  My friend said... "Go on a walk."

I left the room and began to walk away from the buildings, into the night... into Him. Searching.

I hadn't gone far....

I hadn't gone far at all..

When no longer was it a parking lot... No longer was it dark... No longer was I alone...

It was a dance floor and I was in the arms of my God.. in the arms of my Father.  And we were having the Father and daughter dance of a life time.  I was staring up at His eyes, and being overcome by the affection and love that was there...  I felt strong, and full as a daughter. Confident and loved.

Then from behind Him I saw Him.  The time for the Father to give His daughter over to the Bride Groom had come.... and the exchange was beauty.. pure beauty.

Walking last night around our neighborhood, I shifted my long standing prayer...

Moving away from "Father how do you father me here?" Towards "Jesus, how do you husband me here, how here in this place are you walking with me? What in this place do you desire?"

I had gone back for my bible and when having it with me I opened it and there were the words... Jesus had spoken to the disciples after the death of John the Baptist.  "Come away."

I am going away with Him....  I am going to take the time to be loved on by the lover of my soul... I am going to learn from Him what it means to be cherished and cared for as His bride... I have been so thoroughly loved into daughter... now I am full of anticipation to know our God in this place...

The dance was magnificent.  The Father glorious ... The Son phenomenal.. Holy Spirit majestic and kind...

What an awesome God we serve... we love.. we cherish and are cherished by... what an awesome God who so thoroughly loves us beyond the scope of anything we could ever understand.... What an awesome God who cares about our hearts and desires life and all good things for us.. His character.. His nature... His all... He is awesome and beautiful and full of wonder .

I stand in awe....

From daughter to bride into fullness .....  He is for us then who can be against us?  Let that reality permeate all that you are...

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