Thursday, July 7, 2011

My daughter will not be food for wolves... In one generation.. In one lifetime

She was heading outside.. but I knew that look upon her face... I knew that her heart was hurting and I knew she was separating herself from a safe place.... So I looked at her and I said don't be the one sheep that goes out of the flock.... and I explained how when wolves are prowling the herd should circle around the weak and the old and the young so that they aren't exposed.... and I said to her to get into the circle and not wander away....

The enemy of our soul knows how to lie to us... how to catch our hearts up into whispers of lies that separate and isolate us and cause harm to our souls.... So as I saw her as she tried to get out the door I brought her attention to the fact that she matters... that who she is matters... that her heart is worth circling around... that she is worth contending for... that she is worth warning and pulling back into the fold....

She did not leave the safety of the house nor did she wander off alone to entertain lies of the enemy ... instead I was able to speak solid truth into her being... and hold her and comfort her and her heart was made firmer.....

There is liberty to see that in one generation a child's heart can be trained towards truth... a child's heart can be sured up and taught to know truth in a way that sets her free from the lies of the world... the lies of the enemy... the lies of ones own heart.... A child can be taught to trust that that which God says about her is stronger than anything else that anything else would ever have to say.... A child can stand in a place of knowing the nature and character of God in such a way that she can recognize lies that would bring harm... that a child can have victory and safety within the refuge of the Most High God....

In one generation.......

Twenty years in and twenty years out.... I turn forty this October... and I was saved at twenty and the years that those twenty first years held are full of things that I would rather forget... but these ... these last twenty years ... I have watched as He has wooed my soul into His truth and how He has empowered for healing and for change and how now... standing on the shores of a new day... standing on shores where with confidence I approach His throne... heart sured up... lies having been exposed... knowing the truth and the freedom that that truth brings... I stand....

In one lifetime.....

In a life time we will see the glory and the majesty of God upon the face of the earth... where the thoughts and opinions of God will triumph and His kingdom will come and His will will be done.... I have seen in a lifetime that the power and provision and truth of God can blow apart walls that were of destruction and bring forth ground that bear life and liberty and strength....

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