Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do you hear that rattling sound... It is the dry bones of a people arising to become an army

I don't speak concerning restoration of a land as one who doesn't have hope.... I have huge hope... I have crazy hope.... I know that which God can do when one is willing to enter into rest and repentance...

 I have felt the strength and the salvation that enters into life when upon Him and with Him and in Him I declare that rest is a powerful weapon and repentance and turning does bring life!!!

Going to step into what I know how to do... And do it... Share forth from my life.... You have heard me equate my life to Ezekiel's dry bones and the questions from myself and others concerning whether they ( the dry bones) would live again... Whether I could ever function as I was always intended to.... 

Well not arrogantly but in knowing the Father's heart i know what He does for one He does for all....

So if the creator of all things can take a life that no one would have said could live and bring forth life....

 I know He  can take  a nation full of people who know the deep penetrating dryness of bones and yet are tired of that... Are tired of being weary and are tired of the emptiness of religion and the ways of man and want more....

That is the vast army... Made up of people who know what dry bones feel like.... Who know what it is like to be dry... Who know what it is not to have hope .... Who know what weariness is and lack is.. Are you tired of knowing weariness and lack? Do you want rest to the depths of your souls?

You have read where I have shared about my life.. There aren't many people who would ever have said I would get to live where I do!!!  How can I have faith for others... A people...
The question is how can I not?

I was a liar... With a broken and shattered soul... Mind shot... Emotions crushed .. No conscience to speak of ... Seared beyond capacity... No capacity to feel or truly know remorse.. A throw away...  BUT GOD!!!  

Housing crisis.... Job crisis ..... Financial crisis.... Natural disasters.... People confused... Angry... Betrayed... Broken... Afraid... Anxious... Bitter... Sick... Lots and lots of dry bones... Hhhhmmmm maybe a valley full of them... Maybe a nation.... But can they walk again?!?! Can they walk again?!??!  Oh YES ... YES most certain it  can!!!

I had created structures to survive my life .... Through disassociating ... Through allowing my mind to splinter off.... Through closing down my heart... Shutting out that which was painful... I had cut off the flow of life and it hasn't always been easy to turn that spicket  back on.... 

 Trusted in my own  strength and relied on my own know how.... But the dryness didn't go away... Trusted in ministry and religion but that brought as much death... Trusted in the wYs of man and money and finances and and and... And it all led to exhaustion and dry bones...

Through rest and repentance .... Through seasons of quietness and trust have I been saved and strengthen... And dry bones have had life breathed back and now I have arisen and have a  hope so full and intoxicating that I can not keep silent....

I know my God and I know I am His... Went to a place of exile from the human race... Lived so far gone.... So beyond hope .... So broken... But He walked upon the landscape of my life and never quit... He began a good work and is bringing it to completion .... Birthed healing and brought forth joy ...

  I am not one who was destroyed nor am I one now who will shrink back... A confidence has arisen  in a heart that knows new life...

 A confidence that is not arrogance or based on my own effort or capacity to bring anything forth...  A confidence that says as I cease my efforts and rest in Him... He arises.... He breaths new life .... He brings forth hope.... 

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