Thursday, June 30, 2011

beyond the reaches of this world... He has made provision for me....

In all that He knows He knows all... and in all my frailty and in all my strength He knows me perfectly.... In realizing how perfectly I am known by Him I can rest... I can rest that He intrinsically understands the very fabric of my life and all of my days.. past.. present ... future sit before Him...

His outstretched hand so welcoming and being led by Him so crazy incredible... and yet at times as I see His outstretched hand and I know where it is that He is leading I pause... I pause and I look into those eyes of His and I wonder... Silly me .. I still wonder...

But then I looked at that hand and I know that heart... and I know that even if the first grasp sends chills throughout all that I am.. His strength quickly follows and I have been led by Him enough to know that whether it is the valley of the shadow of death or the highest heights... it is He that I walk next to... it is He that leads me... and while He leads me I know that I need not ever be afraid....

This time.. this time looking into those amazing eyes of His... this time.. understanding even a tad more of the where and the what... I look deep into that which He is as He looks deep into that which I am... and I am confident of this.. that He who truly began a good work will carry it onto completion and that He has already made allowances for my doubts and fears and all while He still holds out His hand.....

I know that I know that I know that He sees me.. completely... there is nothing I can hide from Him.. He sees the areas where He has already with amazing love transformed me into His likeness and He sees the areas that still need to be yielded...and He knows.. He knows how to perfectly and patiently gain access to all those places... and He loves me so very perfectly and tenderly and yet with great strength and authority does He take my life into Him and call me to abide and allow the life flowing power and grace of the vine to flow into the branches of my life......

His delight is truly in us... His delight is in me and for me.. and He delights.. He delights in us... and that I am hidden in Him and that He is in me and that we are together... He delights in the relationship that we all share...

It isn't that there isn't a valley of the shadow of death.. it isn't that there aren't trials and tribulations... It is that He walks next to us through them and that He has fully overcome them... It is that He has made a way.. and that He makes a way... so that we can journey through them all with a confidence of who we truly are... we are not slaves to elements nor are we captives to those things that occur within the framework of our days... it is that we are more than overcomers... not in a religious sense of that phrase but in reality... that truly is who we are...

That is who He has formed and fashioned us to be.. that is what He has done... He took us from slaves to death and went and got the keys to the cells that would bind us and lay a hold of our lives and He loosens our chains and opens those doors and in all His authority He renames us and calls us His citizens and His friends and His ... His period.... The enemy could not hold Him and because of that which our Lord and Savior did the enemy can not hold us..... Our Lord breaks those chains and sets us to soar...

This world can no longer lay claim to that which I am... it can longer have any power over me.... and that which it tries to touch the Lord has made provision for that too in the ancient wells of His heart the balms of healing pour forth and show up with strength and healing in His wing......

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