Sunday, June 12, 2011

Birds are birds and they fly and fish are fish and they a moment again He makes all things new

Can a fish not be a fish? Can a bird not be a bird?

And with that question I knew life was going to change... I just didn't know how much...

And He went on... a fish was created to swim and a bird to fly.... and I fashioned and formed you in my image to bare it.... and as His words washed over me... He poured forth His mercy and His grace and His affections like a bucket of paint that He was giddy about covering me with....

And He spoke again.....

I have covered you and in my love I have made all things new.... all things new.... and because He knows me and the inner most parts of all that I am and all the thoughts that I am not even fully aware of or acknowledge.. He looked me straight in my eyes and declared over me that I was His and His alone and that it wasn't only that He would never leave me nor forsake me but that He was determined to show forth His affections to me and through me....

He not only knows where I sit and where I stand and where I go ... He knows me .. He intimately is aware of all that I am and more than that He knows all I will ever be and all that I have ever been... He perfectly knows all things.... In that He was longing for me to take refuge... the confidence that comes from truly knowing His heart and His intentions towards me flourishes.. when I am assured that though all else would falter or fail He will never not only not leave me but His longing is to prosper me into the ways of His heart....

I have settled for crumbs when it was basketfuls He longed to feed me.. and I have settled for draught when He would have brought rain... I have believed lies and leaned upon the wisdom of men... and I have seen disappointment and hope deferred ... and while I do not have understanding of all those times I walk into a place where I must once again push through and walk and trust...

Birds are birds and they fly and fish are fish and they swim.. and I am a child of God and I am covered by His affections and made in His image and there is a way to walk that seems right in the eyes of man but my life is not upon that path and so I must live time and time again and though I stumble or even fall I will rise up again and continue walking... being led by the affections of the One who has always known me ... Because His beauty has ravished my soul and left me utterly His ... though I know not always where I walk or what He is doing.. I know Him... I know Him and in Him I truly trust......

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