Friday, June 17, 2011

The Heart Beat of the One who Looks upon you...

With so much upon my heart this morning I approached Him and upon coming towards Him I just stopped... I stopped to look at Him ... really look at Him.. and He turned and smiled... it wasn't hesitation that had me stop it was affection and admiration.... I looked upon Him and I was in love more and more ... His presence.. His face... His being... all draws every aspect of me towards Him.... and the reality that I am His.. that I belong to Him.. that He takes my life seriously upon Himself and loves me back with the most fervent ardent passions stills me in my steps.....

We were in His garden and He was tending it most beautifully and as I had watched Him His capacity to handle the most delicate of His creations and the wonderment He displayed at its beauty just spoke so much of His nature and character... the utter delight that fills His heart at the sight of just one mere flower... one simple petal...

In that picture my heart was quieted and in the picture of watching the creator of all things fuss over one small almost insignificant detail wowed and awed me and caused me to understand all the more how much I am truly and completely loved....

He called me to Himself and longed for us to walk together... and taking His hand .. we journeyed this way and that... seemingly with no planned out walk in mind.... just wandering here and there but together..... His desire to so fill my heart and strengthen it with His love and His attentiveness was almost unbearable... there were places in my heart that didn't know how to receive the affection He was pouring out upon me and I could feel my mind altering under the outpouring of His love....

And again... as He had for over a week now... turned to me and said .. I have loved you with an ever lasting love... I have drawn you with kindness that is without measure... He spoke of the desires of His heart and how when we walk together it is not just I that receives the benefit.... and He spoke of the sadness that He shares when upon my heart there is not the place for His affections to land and take hold and grow and He spoke of how determined He is and was and always will be as the keeper of my heart and the One who desires my heart to come to life fully.... that He withholds no good thing and that in Him I can so fully reside...

In these moments when it is He and I alone and all else seemingly ceases to exist I am so alive and so full and so complete.... and in these moments all makes the most perfect sense and in Him and hidden in Him and alongside of Him is life .. so abundant and so full and so amazing that I am left without breathe and left standing in awe with a heart made more and more complete... not through any work or action of my own but because He has loved me with an everlasting love and has desired me from before I drew even one breathe.. He knew me and He loved me and He called me by my name and He sung over me and desired me and longed for me .. and now we walk together and one day we will walk together all the more...

This is the heart beat of the one who looks upon you... who fashioned and formed you.. who is heart hungry after you.... this is the heart of your maker... His desire is for you... and you alone...

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