Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And so how can I not share..............Lean into Him and lean into Him and lean into Him until you can't lean even one bit more

The songs lyrics play through my head... "I'm falling on my knees... offering all of me..." or where the lyrics state.. "Jesus Your all this heart is hungry for..."

I have known hunger... my heart has known what it is to be hungry... my eyes have known what it is to be empty sockets with pupils staring out of them but to exist in some far off daze... I have known what it is to not belong and I have watched as an outcast.. lonely and afraid ...

Why do I share so openly and completely about interacting with the Lord...because His love and His testimony of greatness compels me towards expression.... It is so stunningly amazing that He ... the desire of all nations.. desires us ... It is so magnificent to me that He will open up His heart and His nature to be known.. thoroughly and truly known.... He wants to be known.. He wants a people who know Him .. who see Him.. who hear Him.. He wants a people.. He wants you.. He wants me... He wants us... He desires us...

There are so many avenues of deep relationship that are ours and yet I have settled for religion at times instead of the very heart beat of our God... and I can't ever again... I can't live anything less that a heart hungry .. steadfast one who has been loved... eyes focused... heart tuned into only one lover....

I don't want other loves... they leave me empty and lacking.. but not Him.. never Him.... and while I lack language to always describe or even to understand that which takes place I am beyond grateful that those times take place...

What an incredible honor... I was dead.. I was alone.. I was living in darkness so deep and yet He made me alive .. He called me His own.. He shined His light upon my being.... I was oh so very many things and I wasn't so many things and now... Now I am His... and so how can I not share.....

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Oh, my, your heart speaks so vividly. I see, I agree.