Friday, May 17, 2013

First there were the three boys... AND THEN ...

As the days have past and my heart continues to explode with the passion of our God for all His daughters.  I'm not going to get into semantics here nor am I entering into theological debate.. BUT when I say, "all His daughters,"  I mean EVERY girl and woman upon the face of the earth.

I'll put it this way.

I have six children.

 Everyone says you can tell a Driscoll child with just one look at them.

I will always be their mother.  If God forbid something in life should happen and a child decides to no longer consider me their mom, that would never negate the fact that I am indeed their mother.  So having said that ... it will be the only comment I will make in regards to clarifying," the who", when I talk about the heart beat of God for ALL His daughters.

Today as I was praying and truly feeling it upon me to touch, with awe and reverence, His immense heart beat for His daughters, I felt Him call to mind the moments around Rebekah's birth.

We had three sons.  They were and are amazing.  They were wonderful when they were little and they are absolutely incredible every day, that they grow older into the men that they are becoming and are takes my breath away.

When we were pregnant with Gideon, our third son, most of our friends had daughters.  I remember standing in the back of the church we were attending at the time, and watching Jim.  Something was happening to him.  He was aching for a girl.  He was hungering for a daughter.  He LOVED his sons. And was so grateful for Gideon's life but he was dreaming of what life would be like with a daughter in his life.

Throughout Bekah's pregnancy no attempt to find out the sex of the child was conclusive.  They were 65% sure it was a girl.

Then came the day she was born.  There were some complications that needed to be walked through but from day one, our whole world changed.  The world turned pink and Jim became mush.  A totally different father emerged.  He was now a father to a baby girl and his heart knew the difference.  The boys owned his heart but Bekah ruled it.

The Lord called those days to mind today.

Remember... Remember He told me... If Jim as a man ached for a daughter.. if Jim as a man desired to be a father to a girl how much more do I delight in my daughters.

His delight in His daughters was palpable today.  His expression of what He is doing upon the face of the earth in regards to His girls was strong and fierce.  The words dignity and delight waltzed throughout my entire being.

He is the lifter of our heads.  His heart hungers to lift the heads  of His daughters who have not known healthy brothers and wonderful fathers and to empower their eyes to see His heart, as Father.. as Brother... as Kindness... as Compassion..

To know strength and not domination...

To know honor and not humiliation...

To know safety and not harm...

To know dignity and not betrayal...

To know true affection and not to be used...

I wish I was a more effective word smith.. and I wish I could more thoroughly paint for you a picture of His grandest desires...  For it is a serious passion of our God  to have His daughters know that they are all together beautiful without spot or blemish and to have them know their worth... To have words and actions of harm and humiliation fall off of their lives and for them to rise up knowing that they are the beloved of God!

Yes ... we had three sons with whom we are extremely well pleased and then we had our daughter and our world has never been the same ever again....

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