Monday, May 23, 2011

In Your gaze I have been found... In Your embrace I've been made whole... In Your life I have found life and I will never be the same ....

I sit across from You and I watch You tell some of our stories....  I could sit with You forever...

I love Your remember whens .... I love how you see moments that have passed between us.... I love how in listening to You share them I see that they were so very meaningful to You not just to me....

I sit in awe of You... Your kindness... Your generosity of Spirit... The way You lavish Your attention and affection upon me.... I could never express what living in Your shadow does for my heart but with You I don't have to... 

The strength that You impart to me... The way You love me... The way You so perfectly take care of my heart and my life... How You shelter me within the folds of Your affections

These days and times that seemingly separate us are nothing... And that separation is so barely in existence at times.....  My attentions so drawn up upon You.... My heart full of You.. 

I could sit here forever... Laying, kneeling, sitting, being in Your presence .... So very captivated by You and Your invitations to walk with You and know You...

Going for walks with You upon the shores of Heavenly landscapes .... The way You acquaint me with my truest home and the places in Your heart...

Becoming acquainted with the fact that these times set Your heart ablaze as it does mine.... The fact that You are as jealous over these times as I would be and how You long for them to be stretched out .....

Within these times I come alive unlike anything I have ever known .... Within these times I get lost within You... Sitting back soaking it all in..  

Oh Father how I long for the days where no longer is there anything that separates us and these times can go on and on and on and on.. Without thought of interruption.... 

In Your gaze I have been found... In Your embrace I've been made whole... In Your life I have found life and I will never be the same ....

1 comment:

mims said...

I know nothing separates us from the love of our Father.. When I speak of what I do in separation isn't that there is actually a separation but just a hunger for the time when all will be done and time will be no more.. I love this life... I love that it is my opportunity to love on Him... To choose to love on Him and it is good to walk these days yet I hunger for the days to come as well