Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Third excerpt from In My Father's House..... A walled off Garden. learning to speak and create. that which was always meant to be.. authority regained

The Walled Off Garden.......................

You are a masterful gardener and I love when we walk side by side through Your gardens... I love that which You teach and that which You show.. and that which You delight in.... I love how You know every aspect of every part of everything that was and is ever created... I love standing beside You and sensing Your greatness and Your vastness and watching You care and tender after all that You have called into being......

In this place where we wander side by side in Your walled off garden.. in Your place... In that which You treasure... I watch as You sow seeds and cause things to come forth in growth... how careful and attentive You are to where You plant Your seeds... how I see the difference of how I might do it in comparison... Your patience .... Your forethought... Your attention to detail... Your care and preparation of the soil.. there is nothing harried .... there is only diligence... there is only precision... and in watching You I realize how many seeds I sow that while good intentions fill my heart they are more seeds of my own making than of Yours...... and I learn confidence and patience as You walk me through Your garden.... as I watch You tend that which is Yours and that which You call forth to grow...

I hear Your song and how it differs upon each individual planting and seedling... and You make me aware that those songs are so very individualized and that no two breaths of Yours is ever imparted in the same way .... and how no two breaths of Yours are ever of the same air... and how when You breath into creation each breath carries with it its own song... its own display of some aspect of You and Your attributes....

How consistently and wonderfully You tend all things.... how marvelously You cause growth even in the most stubborn of plants... ... some grow slowly and flower ever so often and others grow quickly and bear fruit... whether fruit or flower Your great pleasure abounds upon all... and Your immense delight over creation is stunning...... the flower... the tree... all that makes creation that which it is bows and obeys so very perfectly.... elements of creation are uninhibited by will they are just what they are....and they hear Your command to grow or bear fruit or to flower and obey.....

These lessons in Your garden are stunning... and impact my soul in ways I could not even begin to fathom... but I feel the wisdom of Your ways as gardener... masterful gardener tend me.... My life ... Your garden... my being... submitted..... I bow ... I obey.... I want that natural tendency within me to be as those plants that just absorb Your will and do it.... they know it as You speak and they act and they grow and they flower and they bear fruit....
We walk through portion after portion of Your garden among the different sections and You are purposeful in that which You are leading me towards.. we pass flower beds in various states of growth ... we pass prepared beds of soil ready and waiting for Your seeds.. for Your words... for Your commands.... And still You lead me beyond these places to the one edge of the garden that is always in a state of becoming.....

You stop and stand there... and then turning Your head You look at me and I know... I know You want me to speak to that soil... I know You are looking forward to that which You know I speak into being...

You are teaching me the power of my words but even beyond that which I would speak you are causing me to understand that my very thoughts are empowered... and in that I take a very deep breath.... and swallow hard.... Our capacity to create.... to bring forth life.... It is stunning... but with that the understanding about how often I do just the opposite as I allow my own opinions to trump that which You would state as truth..... about a situation... about a person... and I realize the creative aspect of that which we are.. and that which You empowered us to walk in is truly something so awesome and terrifying....

You stand there and as we stand on the edge of this part of the garden where soil has yet to be cultivated and nothing has yet to emerge I recognize you are ever delighted.... and within Your delight I gain an understanding that You are waiting upon me.... You are teaching about dominion and about rule and reign and as such a picture of flowers that are bright and beautiful and unique in their make up... more like a Doctor Seuss image and full of fancy and wonderment and color fill my head and my heart ... and as I look at You and dream up and imagine those flowers You push my attention to the soil at the edge and from it comes forth the very flowers that were just pictured upon the recesses of my mind....

Ah to create with You... to embark upon a journey and an adventure with You.. to realize that in calling things that aren't as though they were we have within us the capacity to create but even more than that... we have the capacity to hold out hope and speak into lives and the atmosphere Your very design... Your intention.... We have been given back authority... we have been given it and it resides within our person.... To use for You... or to misuse for ourselves....

Oh Masterful Gardener... Tender of all creation... Your steps within this place leave their imprint upon my heart.... and my soul.. and my mind... In this place You transform my thinking and again bring forth the ways that are higher... larger... more full of life... more full of the original design .. more full of Your intentions for who I am to be...
I so very much enjoy walking these terrains with You.... they are amazing... You are amazing.. You will and Your intentions are so full here in this place.. nothing here denies You.. nothing here betrays You... Your will is carried out before even an utterance of it is upon the air.... here this place acknowledges Your complete rule and reign and in so doing it is absolutely marvelous to watch and to partake in and to absorb and to be challenged by... In this place perfection exists.. in and around You... where You are... and again my heart goes to that prayer that we were taught oh so very long ago... As it is in Heaven so may it be here... upon the earth...

May I take these lessons and live them well... may I heed Your instruction and follow it to the very essence of that which it is.... may I learn to walk here in my life within the authority and dominion that You have granted and handed back through great sacrifice of Your own..... may I not treat it carelessly or haphazardly... may I rise up to that which You are calling forth and walk forth in the liberty and power and grace that You so amazingly supply without end......

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