Thursday, April 28, 2011

If I am going to be a Christian then it can't be about religious dogma... How known can God be?

There has been so much that I have thought of these days and months.... as I try and grapple with for me what it means that I am a Christian.... what does that mean to me? What does it need to look like? What does it really need to look like? When the discrepancies of my life and the life that Christ speaks of exist how do I reconcile that in not a tongue in cheek manner......

I can live within the mysteries of the unknown.. but I can no longer live within excuses for myself ... while I walk this earth I must pursue the reality of the aspect of the Kingdom of God is at hand.... the already and not yet.... I must pursue the heart of my Father and not know Him out of some religious acknowledgement to the truth of His existence....

If I am going to be a Christian then it can't be about religious dogma ... I don't underestimate the need in today's world to have an understanding of true Christian principles and a concrete understanding of scripture.... But I don't think there is lack of that... I don't think there is lack of discussion over that which is authentic Christian foundational belief...

But what I think about is how known can God be............... How known? How intimate can we get with the Father and His Son and the Holy Spirit? How close? How full? What does that look like? What does that entail of a person? How does one walk there? What does it look like?

John Wimber has this quote...

"The ability to hear what God is saying, to see what God is doing, and to move in the realm of the miraculous comes as an individual develops the same intimacy with and dependence upon the Father. How did Jesus do what He did? The answer is found in His relationship with the Father. How will we do the 'greater works than these' which Jesus promised? By discovering the same relationship of intimacy, simplicity and obedience. "

So what does that look like? I am not sure... but I am hungry.... and upon the days that I walk upon this world I must find out... upon the journey that is my life... I must walk this path... How did Enoch walk with God? What does the oneness that Jesus prayed for us all look like? What does it look like?

As I have journeyed thus far I have been engaged at times within the embrace of love so magnificent and so strong that it causes all things to fade away..... how do I live there in the reality of my God.. in the reality of my Father's Kingdom... how do I live there... and what do I do with the discrepancies?

On Earth as it is in Heaven... My Father's will being done..... for me what does that look like? Well.. it has to be that which was said to do... the great commission ... But in all of that in has to start with my Father... His heart... loving that quote from John Wimber because that is where it starts and ends.. in Him and through Him....

What does it look like.... How far can I walk into Him.... How deep can I know Him.... How full of His love and affection can I be...... Those are the questions and I walk towards the answers.. plunging into that which is Him...........

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