Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In awe of how the affections of the Father create a wall against the tyraids of the enemy

There is a darkness ... there are dark deeds... they make their impression... they sound their roar... they aren't mirages ... they are real.... and while the reality of those things exist in this world that we live in... they are no longer full of right to exist... they are no longer full of any authority.... I do believe that life in Christ grants us back authority and dominion over creation.... I also think upon the fact that most don't know how to live there without stepping into some rut....

It isn't about what word of faith circles would say ... ie.. the name it and claim it variety.... It is found more in my estimation in relationship with the Father... in walking with Him as daughter or as son.. we can learn to understand the authority that truly rests upon us and within that expression of love walk as creations that He always intended us to be............

Always intended for us to be.. that is a statement I have thought upon much lately... I know that the intentions for my life from the heart beat of my Father were not lived out... I know that that which was was never anything He ever intended to occur upon my person..... I know that.. I know that because I know Him... a Creator... a King of all kings that allowed His subjects free will and choice..... that only causes me to love Him all the more....

So He always intended that creation would be subject to the authority of the ones (us) that He placed upon it... He wanted us to learn that when something is spoken.. such as He had done... the multiple "Let it be" statements ... that those things must be....

Again I do not at all put that to some ridiculous car or house... my goodness trashing the principle of the Kingdom upon material things is pathetic............ He spoke.. let there be light and there was light that had never existed.. He spoke that the stars and planets would be in place and they had to submit to His will.......... am I going to take that authority and pimp it out or prostitute it out for my own gain....

That is the enemy and his ways... not the ways of my Father... My Father is magnificent and full of all that is good and right and holy... and in Him there is perfection .. there is love.....

There truly is no equal comparison to things of darkness and things of light.. no yin and no yang.. not equal.. not equal at all.. the enemy rages and destroys and that doesn't even hold a candlestick up to the power of our Father to create.. and to heal .. and to speak life.....

Upon my recent days there were events that would have their origin more within darkness and yet the hand of my Father within these days has been precious and strong and beautiful.... He makes all things new... all things must submit to His authority.. to His ways... all knees and all voices...... we will all bow.. we will all confess...

In present days when darkness tried to push and see if it can meter out the same allotment as the past..... It met up with a wall of love that has grown around my heart from time spent knowing His affections and believing in them.. and knowing that they are strong and assured more than the air I breath.......

The past tried to roar in with the ferociousness of a hungry lion... but instead of capturing its prey and devouring it.... it merely scraped the surface.... I didn't leave that encounter unscathed.... that will be the next time .. while hoping there is not a next time... I refuse to fear if there is..........

this time the scrape hit my legs and my heart and my mind.... sent me stumbling a tad.. ok dear reader.. more than a tad... but knocking me off my feet I did not stay there.... and terrorizing my heart it did not succumb to living there...

A strength is born when under the affections of our Creator we sit.. and we sit.. and we sit... That is where living upon the rock matters and changes all things... that the storms.. they come.... they come and the winds blow.... and I am not foolish to speak into the storm and say do your best... but I am one who says having tried your best and having done your all... I will stand... I might have to reach out to hold on.. to steady myself .. but it isn't a bar or some tree limb I hold onto ... it is the very strong and more than capable arm of my God....

The darkness tries to close in... the lion walks around seeking one who he can devour... but I am no longer that one..... for even on the days when I to steal lyrics from the song, Kiss the Son, I can't even walk onto the fields of praise... I do bow... I bow down and kiss the Son........... on days when weakness and terror and all that attempt to close in .... on days when sorrow and sadness push their way into life.... I stand having done all I know to do.. and I bow ... getting real low as to wait for Him to lift me back up........

I trust Him to walk me through the valley of the shadow of death... I trust that though death resides there the One I walk with knows the way out.... He has all that authority... He's been there... and He knows what life on the other side looks like and that ... that is the life we live....

Still startled by the horrors of the dark worlds and still saddened by their existence I know that that is no longer where I live.... and while the shadows may even attempt to linger.. the Light that comes washes them away and I am left better that they were exposed then if they had not been...

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