Friday, April 8, 2011

Keys to actually getting there... Part 4: Courage

I remember hearing stories of friends of mine in regards to what it was like to homeschool 20/30 years ago.. It wasn't what it is today... There weren't tons of curriculums to choose from... School districts understood even less and there was much ground to be broken... They were the pioneers ....

I have also heard friends tell stories about the beginnings of some of other movements and other aspects to the Kingdom that we walk in now and that instruction has been able to grow and develop and shift and change.. Such as with  the inner healing movement ... Again pioneers

Well ... I am trying to find the words to express the birth pangs I feel under my feet these days... I've had six children ... The last four completely natural .. I know what it is to languish in child birth.. To shift positions ... To get up and move.. To breathe... To groan...

These expressions are so thick in the atmosphere... The air humid and full of the sounds.. The ground bending and turning and twisting and groaning...

I keep hearing on the wind the names of Lewis and Clark... I keep seeing in my mind's eye a land whose terrain has yet to be mapped out..

 A people standing on a line looking forward into the proverbial Jericho and having their backs facing the wilderness and their faces turned towards the Jordan and beyond ... Not knowing the what's but knowing we would rather die than not cross over....  

Leaving the wilderness having learned to lean and heads up and forward looking at all the new horizons yet to be walked in..

I could use fancy words and say I believe that the revealing of the sons and daughters of God is at hand but I would rather say this...

  I am more like Lot's wife and those that longed for Egypt than like Joshua... I would love to think that I would have been like the two spies but if I was honest with myself I would have been more apt to be those that cowered in light of the giants that were in the land...  That is an honest assessment of me...

But courage has landed slightly and even more than that I am finding as I look back I'm not satisfied by what I had...  So I'm somewhat stuck... In this place of not knowing that which is before me and not wanting that which is behind me...

I can't go back and I don't want to circle around again... So I'm crossing the line... Away from the known and into the unknown ... Into places I haven't been before ... Into situations I haven't seen before.. 

But before Moses we aren't told a bush ever burned but wasn't consumed and before Him we aren't aware of rivers parting so that a nation could walk through...  Men have walked in furnaces and were not burned... Daniel in the lion's den and not eaten....  

The new terrains aren't without the giants or the obstacles but I just keep putting one foot in front of the other... Knowing that truly there is no where else to go

Courage... Courage is needed to get to the not yet... Courage to let go and courage to go... Courage to admit lack of insight and know how but a willingness to learn on the go... 

Courage.. May it be yours .... May it mine...  Here is to exploration.. Here is a toast to the land .. Here is the sons and daughters being revealed

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