Friday, December 3, 2010

Behold you are a new creation ... the old HAS gone... the new HAS come forth

There are places I enter where the only thing I am is a daughter.... where there is nothing required of me and nothing for me to do except to stand as your daughter.... It is the place where I am the most "me" that I am... It is the place that I will live forever and there are moments and occasions when even now upon the earthen soil I walk in a form of it that feels like fullness......

When I release unto the winds any self protective notions and stand in their gusts solely and without reservation as His and His alone I am the reality of all that He ever intentioned for me to be .... I have felt the reality of that place upon my being and within the depths of all I am and in that place there is not one thing but Him that touches me...... There is not one thing that defines me that is other than Him and His love.... In that place there is so much freedom and confidence... a joy so solid and impenetrable.... I have tasted that place and have journeyed there and sit in those moments and allow them to wash over me more and more....

The danger of knowing of such an existence is that all else falls short and truly the things of this world grow oh so strangely dim..... because the things of this world are obliterated in that reality... and the thoughts and opinions ... the accolades and detractions of man well .. Ha Ha Ha.... they fall to the ground as naught when against the passions of the Father they try to make their mentions....... The danger of knowing of such a reality causes the flavor of all else to be bland at best and the danger of knowing of such a reality is that you are ruined... you are ruined for anything else but Him

..... it is a danger and a delight.. and there is truly no going back... Your soul will rage... the flesh will cry out but the spirit will be strong and lead and yearn to live in that place and then again you will be ruined .... because you will see only with His eyes... and hear only with His ears and listen only with His heart... and your Heart will beat with the things that cause His heart to beat... and you will stand ....

Behold you are a new creation .... the old has gone... the new has come forth........

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