Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Sky is Blue and Other Givens.......

"Who told you the sky is blue?"

Uhm... what?

"Who told you the sky is blue?"

Well....... In all honesty I couldn't remember who was the first person to point up and say "the sky is blue."

Second question.... "Do you believe that the sky is blue?"

Phew... that is an easier one... "Yes, Lord I do not doubt that there is a sky and that it is blue."

Third question..."Even on a day that is overcast and cloudy... You still believe that under those clouds beyond the grey there is a blue sky shining brightly?"

"Yes, Lord I do."

Questioning continued...."Even at night when darkness fills the earth and the sky is black... do you even then believe that in the morning when the sun rises that the sky will be blue?"

As I began to answer Him I knew that which He was connecting within my heart and my mind and I sat quietly with Him and absorbed all that was on that magnificent heart of His.

A matter of trust and belief... a matter of choices..... a matter of faith..........

Without doubt I believe that the sky is blue and that no matter what hides that blue from my sight that beyond all that, there is a blue sky.....

I knew He was wanting me to make a leap but not just about Him.... His heart was beating strong and His gaze was very intense..... He wasn't questioning my faith in Him.... He wasn't asking me about if I had doubts about Him.... He was asking me if I believed what it is He has to say about me.... The Lord is not a man that he should lie and when He speaks He brings it to pass.....

So His questioning that day was about me..... do I believe all that He says about who He has made me to be.... Do I live and embrace that reality on a daily basis..... Do I live as one who is loved and adored by the Creator of Heaven and Earth? Do I live a life that screams that nothing .. not angels... not demons... not the present... not the past... that nothing in all of creation could separate me from that love? Do I know that love that knows no boundaries? Does it permeate every aspect of my life?

When I don't feel it.... when the events of any given day would attempt to stand in opposition to that truth.....

I want the reality of all of His truth to infuse my very being .... I want to live a life that daily speaks forth the knowledge that I am loved and highly favored..... In a world where the love of most will grow increasingly cold what does it look like to solidly stand as His.......

I know that I don't know that fully yet I press forward into this journey with wonderment and awe and joy and passion..... my eyes focused upon Him and my heart acknowledging that His words are true... the ones He speaks about Himself and the ones He places over our lives...... He is our God ... we are His people..... we belong to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.............. The reality of His grace and His Kingdom tangibly exist upon the moments of our days.. may we reach through the veil and live there while yet walking here upon the Earth...

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