Sunday, December 13, 2009

Waking up and Learning to Speak

Waking up and Learning to Speak

In the twenty sixth year of my life I woke up and twelve years later I have found my voice.....

I used to be terrified that if I spoke I would ruin my family. So I retreated into a world of my own creation where lies ruled and life was nothing more than a dazed blurry of events that I stumbled through.

I lived that way for so long...... too long....

I think of all the times where my behavior screamed a loud for attention. Where my body shook out of desperation and yet my actions went unnoticed. Time after time.......

I know I am one of the lucky ones....... I know that where I have come to is but a gift of grace.... I have made choices, yes.... but the strength, to make them and then to walk in them, has come from others and from above......

There are too many voices that aren't heard.... and we need to care.... I need to care...... to act...... to educate..... to be a hand that reaches back into the recesses of darkness and pull forth others that are entangled in its grip.......

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