Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Blessing Book ... Revisiting the Blessings


May the storehouses of Heaven be open to you and your family. May you understand that Creator God never lacks for anything; He builds in abundance. May you abound in every good work. God gives to all liberally and without reproach—may your heart be open to receive the revelation of that truth. May you walk in confidence that the Lord will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
—2 Corinthians 9:8

Those days were amazing…. Before us stood this vast territory of places we could venture out upon… we were learning language.. we were speaking forth life and watching lives transform…

These days are amazing … Before us stands a vast territory of places we can venture out upon.. we are learning language again.. deeper.. being pulled in further to the reality of words and their power… we are being pulled into truth and the reality that words of life and truth resonate within the atmosphere with power and with a force behind them that stands with the authority that we bare as the sons and daughters of the Lord Most High….

The gift of pulling forth truths and concepts of life and light and liberty and expounding upon them so that we can all have the reality of our kingdom flowing through the depths of our being.. so that we can stand strong and confident in the truth of that which exists and pulsates forth throughout the atmosphere.. Throughout the spirit..

So when we approach these concepts of blessings… such as abundance.. we think not as the world things.. we don’t perceive abundance or equate abundance just with provision… we take it further… we take the word, abundance, and we pause and we think of Father… we think of our Kingdom.. we acknowledge that in Him there is no lack and that in Him we are thoroughly prepared for every good work that He has before us….

Abundance stands strong in reality… but as I pondered abundance and began to revisit it and want to write further into the blessing of what the essence of abundance is and how to convey that… I got stuck… I got stuck because how does one look at the reality of the physical real world and still attach to the fact that abundance is the higher reality… How does one look at the pictures of poverty and sickness and death and then turn and cling to abundance and not feel like one is just naming it and claiming it or thinking of only on a wing and a prayer….

So I turned my heart to Father… and I closed off what I began to perceive more as the tauntings of a bully trying to push me away by saying prove it.. prove that there is abundance in the spirit.. prove that abundance is real.. prove that there is no lack.. prove it …

Well .. I can’t.. there is lack in the world… but we are learning about dominion… not in naming it and claiming it but in the power of our God to create and recreate and bring forth upon this fallen soil redemption…. In Him there is an abundance of life… and there is no lack of life…

We can walk that road… we can learn what it means to become bold again.. not brazen or presumptuous but we can lay ahold of what we know of our Lord and know that in Him there is nothing that we lack…. We can learn again the lessons of the boy with the fish and loaves.. we can encourage ourselves to be the disciples and let the nets down one more time… we can be like Peter and John who in one breath say I do not have silver nor do I have gold (apparent lack of abundance) but in the next breath speak forth creative life and transformation (NO LACK.. Abundance)

We cannot look and see as the world would see… we cannot look at 5000 plus people and only see a few fish and loaves of bread… we must look into the eyes of the ones who collected the baskets full of leftovers after all had had their full.

Oh this is such an exciting journey.. because in Him there is an abundance of hope.. and an abundance of expectancy… that upon any moment He steps in and declares a different reality than that which the seen world would say is there….

With that in mind .. with that pulsating in my heart … I come to revisit the blessing of abundance……

May you be strengthened and made bold within the depths of your being .. may your eyes be opened to see that the physical world doesn't get to dictate lack.. doesn't get to dictate what is being provided for and what isn't... may you be strengthen to the deepest parts of your being and may you soar into the understanding that though silver and gold may you not have what you do have is an abundance of authority to look beyond that which the eyes see and look to the thousands of hills that are so abundantly populated by the cattle that are the Father's... That there is no lack... may you enter into the truest place of dominion where affections are rightly placed and desires match that which the Creator desires for you....

May you not be tempted into the lust of the flesh nor the lust of the eyes and may the pride of life be far from you .. May you step into the fact that there is not even the capacity to measure the love of God because it is so vastly abundant that neither height nor depth nor width nor length could be measured.. so vast is His affections for you...

May the abundance of the storehouses of Heaven be yours... may peace and joy and delight and hope soar into your being with such abundance that your spirit's strength explodes ....

May the abundance of the Body of Christ and all its resources so twirl together that we enter into a place where there is no need among us not just because of Father's creative capacity to make it so but because the sons and daughters .. the brothers and sisters gather around each other and desire abundance for all and give of themselves and their resources so that abundance can be known by all...

May an abundance of godly dominion grow upon us as we take up our authority to bless and call forth life and liberty....

May you be full.. full of Father's truth .. Father's affections.. Dearest one... beloved may you know the abundance of creative love that empowers us to see as he sees.. to know as He knows and to walk as He walked.....

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