Friday, January 14, 2011

Getting the Cake and Eating it too

There is nothing that changes the course of any given day like glimpses of You.... There is a strength and nourishment to the soul that comes when attributes of Heaven shine forth....  

Tonight I am once again so amazed and breath taken away.... As I contemplate His incredible works .... 

He is completely magnificent .... Able to do far more than we could ask or imagine... While hands of darkness can tear down a life they are NO match for what the Creator's hands can do... I simply stand in awe this evening at such a great and beautiful God.....

I can't comprehend that which it cost Him...  Trading His life for ours....  But tonight I'm so moved by this ... I was a prisoner and He set me free ... He set me free ... And I get to live...  

Just recently I sat in a holy place... Truly a place that the ground had been set aside ... Getting to witness such a moment for me there are not the words... But as I watched and listened I felt surrounded by the reality of what He has done in my life...  And I was brought to a place of realization of how fundamentally different I am because of His touch...

Two things have happened since that moment that have shown me that these days do stand as alter building days... Days so redemptive that I'm brought to my knees and filled with such gratitude....

I was asked a question regarding something I had the privilege of listening to.... I was asked how it had landed upon my soul and as I answered I came even more alive as I felt life coursing through my body for while I would never say that there is not more to be touched by healing graces I knew that even the residue of that which had touched me had been washed off and away from my life !  

That not only has a new day dawned but that the sun sits high in the sky and it is bright and warm and that I live within a most marvelous light...... A most magnificent day.....  that the waters of healing have really washed away the affects of what had been a very long dark night .... And there is just a sweetness and beauty to life ... A deep appreciation for this gift... This life .... This air I breath

And while  moments of remembrance and gratitude have just so filled my being this week I was gifted by words .... By a blessing so meaningful to me that it was like I got the cake and was allowed to eat it too....

I couldn't say it enough... Walking within the confines of our Kingdom truly does bring a life and liberty that stands unmatched.....

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