Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Alter Yourself NO More

Obviously I don't know all where my journey will take me... but I'll tell you this... I like this journey more and more.... and the reasoning behind that growing affection is that I am living more and more as I would live .... more and more as I picture my truest self to be....

I was one who suffered and was paralyzed under the emotion of fear... fear of failure... fear of man... fear of pain.. rejection, etc... the list could go on and on .... fear altered who I was... instead of being bold and free I was timid and afraid.... instead of being willing to risk and walk with God and be pulled into His ways and not the ways of man or even the ways of the current status quo within the church culture I cautiously measured out the expression of who I knew myself to be...........

Now... now I just go with it... and the more I go with it the more I see "me" emerge...... and I don't know how to express this feeling except to say it is glorious............ and the freedom that courses through my body fills my soul with a solid joy that just reverberates and causes me to embrace that which I am all the more......

The world needs the expression of you that God always intended for you to be.... and yet life and the reality of our enemy try to chip away at that expression... tonight I come to prayer for you... those of you I know and those I don't... Alter yourself no more.. not ever for me ... not ever for any man, woman, organization etc etc.... In being the you that you were always meant to be you embrace the magnificence of God that He placed in you when He knit you together..... and formed and fashioned you.... don't let anything steal that from those around you... more importantly don't let anyone steal that from you...... You are a creature created in the image of God....

I love this quote from Nelson Mandela

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking
so that others won't feel unsure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in every one.
As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

.. it permanently resides upon the side bar of this blog.... To serve as a reminder that playing it small doesn't benefit anybody... but risking and living.. and jumping and dancing... and leaping... into all that you were always meant to be releases energy and beauty into the atmosphere.... it releases courage and it bursts into the darkness as a stunning display of all the colors of the clearest rainbow and brings forth the purest of white and bright lights .. it is such an incredible sight... to see the joy of the Lord and His exuberance displayed as one of His very own walks in all that any one moment could possibly contain... to know what the Lord is doing and than to do it in the way that He is doing it brings a joy so deep into the Father's heart that it spills over and acts as a tsunami in the spirit...........

It is a marvelous sight to behold a child of God lifting his or her head and standing still and strong within all God's intentions for the moment.... breath in those moments in your life and be catapulted into a journey.. wondrous and full of adventure.... while the destinations might not always be known and the predictability factors might slip through your fingers more often than not... I tell you this from my own experience... no matter what the days will entail ... You will love them all the more for they will be authentically you.....

Alter yourself no more... we need you...............

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