Tuesday, December 27, 2011

There was a response I wanted to walk in with but then I realized no.. that isn't what I want after all....

Acknowledging what I wanted to say I was forced to sit back and take another look... There are places I don't want to step any longer... My flesh.. my soul had a response... but there are lens that I don't want to see through any more... I wanted His response.. His way of seeing the situation.. His ways of compassion to rule.. Not to step into blind naivete but to embrace love... the kindness of it.. the truth that it delights not in wrong doing but it always hopes.. always perseveres.. always believes...

I want my eyes to see as He sees... I want my heart to embrace what He embraces.. I want to walk where He walks ... I want to be of another place while being in this one... I want the nature and character of who I am truly and intrinsically to come forward and I don't want to walk in a lesser nature any longer... How often does the lesser nature come through? How often do I not pause long enough to make a better choice?

There are references to the love of most growing cold... and in those times that which will shine forth are those that carry the torch of love... boldly and confidently knowing the nature and character of God and who it is that they are within the reality of the Kingdom...

Love is eternal.. it will never fade away.. and in that reality I desire to step in and always see with eyes that are full of love.. to step into situations and circumstances not with a mind set on the flesh but a mind set on the reality of the awesome truth of the love of God...

I feel the times shifting under me.. I feel the reality of His love and His grace surrounding me... I feel how it lifts me up.. how it invites me to a place I could not arrive at on my own....

I find myself putting upon my eyes the lens of Father even more lately .. I had closed my eyes to unseen things for so long... seeing I saw but tried to ignore... and the very places I had protected my heart from living I now find myself dwelling upon.... dwelling in places where I see and feel and am altered by knowing that I must hold onto Him and a compassion that only flows forth from Him ..

I am so dependent upon abiding... abiding in Him and not leaning upon my own understanding.. not leaning upon my own ways but in all my ways acknowledging Him.. and allowing that to change me.. to alter me... to make me more like Him.... Love's course flows and marks and changes and alters if it is allowed to.. if love is allowed to have its way.. it's way looks so very different than ever anticipated but in its way the most amazing things happens.

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