Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tables were turned ....I hadn't felt the seeing unclean just unexpected .... And it had startled me but in His embrace all was being made well....   

I watched and I saw.... I watch and I see... Then I saw his eyes looking at me and I could tell he was seeing and I was unnerved....  

It unnerved me...  It unnerved me that as I had seen others the Lord was giving him sight into me...  And I tried to grasp what it was the Lord was revealing but to no avail...

Then came the all too familiar voice... Can you trust me?  Kindness swelled all around me and light surrounded me as though I was in the middle of a tornado but then all was quiet.... And a hand was being held out to take...

Looking at the extended hand and the beauty in His eyes I could feel that which was in me that is of me and  isn't of Him quiver .. And still hand stayed out stretched...  Take it He beckoned... Take ahold of my hand...Were the words that flowed from his lips....

I realized how betrayed I felt... I like to be in control of the vulnerability that I share.... I want to control the flow of information regarding my heart.... If it is going to be showed I want to be the one revealing...  

"What did you share? " Was my expression to which no answer came....  "Do you believe I love you?" was His answer .. Answering with questions...

Feeling beyond exposed and shaken by the reality of having been seen I tried to gather myself together and even around Him tried to muster defenses that said back that I didn't care what was shared...

All that was received back was a look....   Lowering my head I reached out towards the hand that had stayed extended...  holding His hand He led me to sit down...   

I know eventually how to operate within moments like this when He is so tangibly touchable and present but reaching those moments when darkness seems to clamor all around sometimes seem impossible to touch and sitting next to Him I sighed so deep  that the exhaustion from within was let out upon His shoulder...

Quiet lasted as did the moments of no movement ...  His glances so all knowing...  I rested....  I rested upon Him and allowed all to be settled...

Yes another with sight had seen me... Had looked... Had been granted sight...  Had been granted a piece of the Lord's heart for me and in all that I could trust the one who had opened the eyes....  I could trust His compassion....  

I hadn't felt the seeing unclean just unexpected .... And it had startled me but in His embrace all was being made well....   

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