Thursday, September 15, 2011

They only stick if they matter to you

I sat at the traffic light and the details of the moment swirled around in my head... I went towards my phone to call someone and then I thought to myself, "NO."

Yes, there was quite a bit occurring all at once.... yes, one of those things on their own would be enough to have my eyes catch a hold of the wind and the waves and begin to sink....

But things would be different this time...

Complaining doesn't solve anything.. sometimes talking with someone through moments like these is beneficial but to me the place I needed to step into was towards Him... and Him alone...

Sitting at that traffic light I put the phone down... and I leaned... I leaned and I leaned and I leaned.... If I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength and the joy of the Lord is my strength then there existed a way through those things that would try and arise to steal my joy, my confidence, my peace.... and I could allow those situations and circumstances that power or I could say, "NO!"

What I didn't know in that moment was what that moment would truly become..... Because while there have been waves and winds and lots of situations that could rob my peace I have stood in this place of perfect peace that passes all understanding....

Living forward with only a couple hours of sleep I can have perfect peace... Parenting 6 children at all different stages of life with different needs I can have perfect peace.... Within my marriage, within my friendships, within my work, within my day no matter what might come I truly can have perfect peace...

The biggest concern when talking about these things is that I would give off a "name it and claim it" persona but what I have come to is this... If I believe that which I believe about Christ and our Father than my life must be different... I must be different.. Not in a perform it and achieve it type way but in a what is Him living and breathing upon me and with me and in me... What does that look like?

What does perfect peace look like... It isn't that the trials and tribulations aren't there it is that we get to overcome them because we walk with the one who overcame and now holds all the keys.... Keys to how to have peace in the face of the storm.. keys to know acceptance in the face of rejections... Keys of confidence to know that this world doesn't get to dictate nor determine what I think, feel or believe... This world doesn't get to dictate the deepest reality... only the Lover of our souls gets to do that... and I like what He thinks and feels about a subject... any subject...

His thoughts are always going to be higher... His ways are always going to better... He is always going to lead me upon paths that I can walk upon... where nothing formed against me gets to prosper... because I am attached to Him... I belong to Him and that is that which He says....

It brings me to one of my favorite passages of my favorite books of all time.. You are Special by Max Lucado... In it the answer one character gets about why "stars" and "dots" don't stick upon a fellow creature is because "she has determined that what I think of her is more important then what they think of her.. the stars and dots only stick if you let them... they only stick if they matter to you.........."

I know more than ever that which matters to me... It's His thoughts and opinions.. It's His ways.. It's Him

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