Wednesday, September 7, 2011

But the World is Blue!

"But the world is blue!" That is what they were declaring.... The world and everything that they saw was blue and had blue tinges to it as I went to try and describe that which was really what was being seen I noticed something.... The glasses they had on were colored blue... so everything that they were seeing was blue... but that colored the reality of that which was really there....

Today as I thought upon that scene... a picture that the Lord spoke to me.. I realized what lens do I have on? What lens of comparison? What lens of performance? What lens of fear? What lens of trust? What lens of love?

In any given day throughout the day all the events we encounter... all the people.. all the words... what words.. what thoughts and opinions are going to matter... what "truths" try to exalt themselves up as the final word... what final words are we going to allow to reside within us....

But in some areas of my life I am oblivious to the fact that I am wearing blue tinted glasses... I want to see clearly but the coloration of the lenses upon my eyes (my heart) make it near to next impossible...

But that is where I have learned to come to the Spirit of Truth and allow my Father to set my heart aright.... there is nothing else that can take those lenses off... nothing but His love... Our hearts have known living in this world.. they have known the harm of human kind... the harm of lack.. the harm of pain.. but He has so overcome all the trials and tribulations that would ever surface and He is a master redeemer and amazing lover of our souls...

I pray this prayer... Father let me see as You see.. let me see my world, let me see others and let me see myself as You see ... Father take off any lenses that would have me believe lies ... take off lenses that would hinder me from knowing the depth of Your loving care over me.... and then I rest.. I rest in His presence... and I hold my thoughts captive and I pray the mind of Christ upon me and I pray that as I am crowned with the lovingkindness of God that my mind would be transformed and know Him as He is and myself as He says I am....

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