Sunday, September 11, 2011

In Him I live extraordinarily

In Him I find my home... He is that which sets the course of my thoughts and my moments....

In Him I have the most truest rest that exists in all of creation... In Him I partake of a nature from another place.. a whole other realm...

In Him I live extraordinarily....

In Him I get to look at all that this world would attempt to tell me and wash it through a paradigm that knows so much more...

A paradigm that says the weak are strong and the poor are rich... a paradigm that says that this world and its ways and its thoughts are not the last word.... a paradigm that shifts all else into the most glorious of truths... that we are loved... fallen creatures loved by a most holy God....

His love is the most perfect thing I have ever gotten to touch... His love is radiant... It is kind... it is immense... It is glorious in its nature and leaves all changed in its wake.... It strengths, it heals, it redeems, it comforts,

I can but only abide... draw near... attach myself to....

In Him I live extraordinary... in Him there is hope for the hopeless... families for the orphan... acceptance for the rejected.... strength for the weakened....

In Him the most glorious reality exists and stands firm... and In Him I take my place... as daughter, image bearer.... loved one... cherished.... adored....

In Him we get to look at this world through completely different lenses... we get to see as He sees.. and love as He loves...

In Him we get to partake of a life and a freedom so full of grace and mercy and love and kindness that the aroma of our lives becomes intoxicating to all those around..

In Him ... In Him... living and breathing and having our being... In Him ... there is not one other place I would desire to be... but In Him that is where I will abide

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