Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A bedtime game ... an open door.... an invitation

Putting Gregory to bed tonight and a door open unexpectedly. We have a queen size bed under a bunk bed and Gregory shares a room with Gideon. I was laying on the queen size bed and Gregory was up on his bed. We were playing a silly game of "toes play date" or as it is better known "footsies." Each of the kids came in and laid on the bed with me and play "toes play date" with Gregory... Stretching our legs up and having our toes "kiss." Lots of laughter and giggles....

As all was winding down and I was settling Gregory to head to sleep there was a moment that caught my heart off guard... The Father whispering to me, " I love this boy." For someone who loves words and conveying the truest of meanings through combining this word with that word I found myself at a loss for words........ I sat in the presence of the lingering whispers and towards His presence was drawn...... He shared His love of my son with me... He shared His heart for my son and in those moments I saw my boy not as mine... not as belonging to me but as an object of God's deepest affections...... As I continue to sit in the light of these moments I feel the weight of them bearing down upon my heart and my mind....

My children .... are His children... and I have lived with that understanding .. the whole notion of releasing them into His care and His presence so that they find their own relationship with Him... of course.... But in hearing His heart for Gregory tonight... in sensing His truest delight over that sweet little boy... over looking at Gregory's face in light of the words from the Father's heart something came into my core and I don't think I will ever view my four year old or the other kids in the same manner ever again....

but even more as I heard Him speak His affections towards my son I realized that those affections are so beyond any scope of the imagination and in that vastness I lost myself in the deepest place of love .......... a love that knows no boundaries... no limitations... no weakness....... A love so mighty and so powerful... a love... love... a love that pulsates through and through the atmosphere and changes everything that it touches... a love so incredible.. so magnificent.. so majestic.... so transforming..... a love that stretches out and beckons to all those that can hear even the slightest of its whispers while yet also simultaneously existing as an alarmingly thunderous roar. It is always present... It is always strong.. It is always willing and able to act and to move..... a love... A God so beautiful ... so beyond any word.... Except He is the Word... the very Word... all Words.... He is that He is.... beautiful... glorious.... amazing... Him... Love....

The door was open... the Father's voice had filled the air ... the invitation given.... You can love like this.... You can love like this... Will you?

1 comment:

Molly Patterson said...

picturing this moment for you and the Lord makes my heart smile. It also makes my heart feel that same love. To hear my own Papa say "I love you... will you love like this?" thanks for the encouragement and the challenge dear friend.