Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Same Coin.. Two Sides...

The journey is two fold....

I love what I have been reading.. truth coming forth from tried and true leaders who are catching the heart beat of our God and Father. The time for “marque players” or “celebrity” is truly coming to an end.

The hunger and desire in the people, the groaning of creation, the passion of the Father are just the perfect foundation being formed for the emergence of an authentic expression of Christ upon the earth and within the church.

It is a transformation of leadership. An awakening to the servant heart nature of Christ. A birthing of fathers and mothers.

The current systems have left an exhaustion in the Body and in the atmosphere.

A disillusionment in culture.

I hear over and over again the words of the people of Christ's own time, in regards to Him...that He was not like their own scribes but spoke as one who has authority.... That is a true hunger reverberating within the people. People want to feel like their leaders care about them personally. That there isn't just a “front door/back door” mentality that I came to age in ministry under. That each one matters, and that the hand truly can't say to the foot that they aren't needed... We are all needed.. Every last one...

Having said these things there is a flip side of this coin....

To the people:

there is a stirring towards the traditional Christian spiritual disciplines. There is a moving away from 45 minutes of church on a Sunday with no other personal searching out and a bewilderment that you are being tossed to and fro....

A people who just don't feed off of the experiences of others, and allow the “moses” to go into the deep darknesses of the Lord all the while playing it safe, themselves.... A people who sense the calling into the narrow path.. a people who walk a spirit filled life and hunger for maturity and practice discernment – that is the people coming forward....

Listen to the hunger deep within... step into it... the promise that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be made full....

There is transformation going on these days... in leadership and in ministries and in people.. in all of us... There is a groaning, a hunger, a desperation, a passion, a need to see Christ and to lift up His name and His name allow...

The same coin .. two sides...

Transformation.. formation... truth and spirit swirling and dancing together.....   

1 comment:

One of His Jewels said...

Great word of truth! I am so happy to see the marques fading and the entertainment dying out to the Spirit and Truth being in the Limelight, instead of man!

Thank you, simply love your posts!