Saturday, January 25, 2014

Seeing beyond what is seen..... Learning New Lessons as to What it Means to SEE

From the airport where my attentions were drawn to every little thing; the woman sitting across from me, the snow boarders, the kids, the comments, the announcements.. the trillion things that could be seen and experienced...

I learned in those moments how much I actually tune out.  So many things I don't see.  So many things I don't hear.  So many things I don't experience.  Selective processing....

To then upon another day reading a comment someone made on Facebook about the restoration of people gently... the thought of considering oneself and ones own actions and being kind in the restoration process... The word KINDNESS... the word RESTORATION....  so much cluttered my heart and my mind as I read the post... as I pondered upon that scripture... as I thought about Christ.. as I thought about me....

To days of sitting quietly and not thinking there was much sound....  

But learning to listen with my heart to all that is unspoken...
Learning to see with my eyes the things that no one really wants to see...

For so many years now the concept of “Awoken and Seen” has been upon my heart... I've written about what it has felt like to awaken into life, overcome mental illness, compel myself to be seen and heard, to not shrink back amidst failure but to talk about it....

I am the girl who invites strangers to a book study to talk about topics such as shame, fear and vulnerability.... I am the girl that will try and write about almost anything... I am the girl who tries to walk speaking what's upon my heart and my mind. I am the one who is trying to learn to understand what does it mean to be seen and to see... what does it mean to show up every day and live that day... what does it mean?

What does it look like to live valiantly?

(Be alert and stand in the faith; be valiant; be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13)

What if those days are your last days?

What if those days are your first days? In a new location.. at a new job... with new people?

Do I show up?

Or does a version of me show up?

What does it mean for me to show up? Day after day to show up, heart on the line, fully engaged....
What does it look like to face failure after failure and still pick oneself up at the end of the day, or the middle of the day, or heck the beginning of the day and say, “let's try again”?

Each moment it might look really different... But the place I keep coming back to is full of those three words, “AWOKEN AND SEEN”...............

I will awake each day....
I will try to live awake each moment
I will awaken to the fact that I want to shrink back and play it safe, and in some moments I DO need to retreat.. regroup... but I will awaken to the fact that I most reengage...
I must find the wholehearted path throughout the day.... allowing myself moments to pause but finding the courage to show up after those moments....
I must see... I must really look.. look and see the people around me.. look and see the things that we all DON'T want to see... I must acknowledge that in any given day there are lots of things that are seemingly better off not seen.. but I have realized that if I will see, if I will look.. if I will see despair, loneliness, fear, hopelessness then I will also see power, strength, courage and truth...

If I will arise, awaken and see death then I will also see life....
If I will show up and see the things that aren't pleasant then I will also see courage emerge... If I don't shrink back but arrive with grace and mercy and a mind set upon Christ..

I will see wonders unimaginable...

How the image and reality of God is translated upon humanity amidst those moments none of us desire is an immense gift to be embraced.

To be invited to participate in the micro moments and the daily opportunities to SEE and AWAKEN to the greatness of our God is a beautiful transforming adventure...

I may not know much.. but this I am learning all the more.. Being Awoken.. Being Seen.. awaking and seeing others, and allowing others to see the awoken me is the challenge and journey of my life....

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