Saturday, September 4, 2010


Driving down the road His presence filled the car….. humbled and amazed I swallowed…. A cry that had been upon my heart for weeks … maybe longer… was just a need to feel protected….

I wanted to know that I knew that I knew that I knew that He would protect me….. I wanted to feel that and know it in the inner most part of my being…..

I had been listening to worship music… but then His presence interrupted everything….

“I led them and I hedged them in from behind…. I parted the waters and I conquered their enemies….” I could see the picture of the Israelites in the desert…… I could feel His heart…. His amazing heart

And I knew what He was saying but then… then in a something that I don’t know how to express I was with Him….. I was with Him and it was beautiful and magical and wonderful…. I am His daughter…. He is a Father who will protect and protect with a vengeance…… I am His daughter.. and He took me into His arms and hid me in Himself and wept….. and I with Him and then I knew…. I knew that He had been with me all my life…. Through everything…. Through everything ….. Through horrors … through pain… through loneliness…. He had been there and He had stood as my Father

I haven’t really known what it was like to be a daughter to a father…… there have been those that have walked alongside me in incredibly gracious ways and I have been blessed …. So blessed to have men and women in the family of faith walk with me but there was aspects of my heart that still always wondered what it was really like to be a daughter….. really be a father’s daughter….. and all that that entails……

There have been so many times when in my lack and need I have wanted that really badly and been like Israel in their desire for a king… wanted for there to be someone who would claim me as their own…. It is amazing to reread that last statement… claim me as their own….. for I have been claimed….. and that realization makes me smile

And I am walking into this season where it feels a bit like Eden… and my Father is walking with me having me lean against Him as His……. I am His and His alone….. and it is wonderful… I am a daughter to a Father whose protection is strong and fierce and His love is just the same….. He washed away lack like a flood and fills in the areas with His tender loving kindness and His mercies know no end…..

1 comment:

Lauren Stinton said...

Really good, Mims. I enjoyed this.