Friday, September 10, 2010

Way Beyond us and Yet so Near

There are moments where an invitation lies waiting… and when accepted doors open.. when faith and belief merge with risk to believe that God is actually saying what it is I have thought Him to speak I enter into this place with Him where the veil that separates Heaven and Earth gets very thin. His presence and the reality of that place stuns me in its beauty and I am changed. The appetites of this world fade and I stand there and marvel and wonder and am stilled and awed by His magnificence.

Entering into worship this afternoon to an old camp song was one of those moments…just me and God and my car…. I felt like I heard Him say worship me…. raise your arms.. (uhm I was driving so it was interesting.) I slowed the car down and as I lifted up my arms that veil was thinned and there were others worshipping….. By raising my arms I entered into an invitation. I was saying to God .. I believe you are asking this of me…. so I will do it…. And then… it was as if in raising my arms I was granted the joy of directing this heavenly choir…. At that moment I could barely keep singing and I sat there in awe and reverence. And then … and then He caused my eyes to open all the more… and within that choir I saw them and I was undone.. undone… couldn’t breathe.. couldn’t move… couldn’t sing…. Tears streamed down my face and within the choir I saw children…. My children… those that live with Him already and it was stunning…… that is the biggest understatement of the year….

In risking and thinking that it was Him and in believing that He would speak like that.. “raise your arms to worship me.” I entered into a moment where I was kissed by Heaven…. It was the pleasure of my Father to grant a gift….

Risk believing… risk hoping… risk risking…. In those moments one enters into a partnership with Heaven and the Creator and in those moments we are gifted glimpses of things that are way beyond us and yet so near….

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