Monday, September 27, 2010

I ache to be known

I yearn to be loved

I hunger to belong

There is a quiet sadness that sometimes enters my soul and I sit and close my eyes and allow you to bring Your kind touch into my world. In those moments You change all things... in those moments You still my lack and fill my need.

In those moments when I would dissolve into a puddle You speak forth strength into my bones and sustain me..... when I am weary from the journey you bid me rest... when I feel lost and alone you shepherd me into Your fold and cause the ninety-nine to wait upon us until you have brought me fully in...

You father me.. You delight in me... You rejoice over me... You know my name... You know me... You love me... You spread your affections over me ... You clothe me in righteousness... You lead me... You shelter me... You hide me..... You crown me.... You govern me.... You call me Your own... You beckon me to come... You redeem me.... You died for me.. You live for me...

When I have ached to be known You have known me.. You know all my days... You know all the hairs on my head.. You watched as I was formed in my mother's womb... You have known all my days before one of them was ever even lived... I am known.....

When I have yearned for love and hungered to belong you have beckoned me to come to Your side and receive from You. You have championed me and fought for me and interceded for me and worked on me and have never faltered in Your affections towards me....

In Your presence is the fullness of joy... joy not based on circumstances or situation... joy not dependent on things of this world.. but in You is the fullness of joy found..... when sorrow or loneliness or fear would come and touch my soul You stand and in Your perfect love shield me from their sting.

I have ached to be known and You have known me

I have yearn to be loved and You have loved me

I have hungered to belong and you have given me a home inside Your heart that I can call my own.......

Loneliness fights a battle it cannot win and the depths of sorrow and sighing must give way to the joy that rides on the morning...... darkness gives way to the light and pain to the healing touches of Gilead..... No matter how dark or long the night... the dawning of a new morning always comes and with it there is healing in its wings.........

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