Monday, September 27, 2010

A Father's Victory

As I watch the Lord spin around me and create a web of connections I stand in awe of what He does. Unless the Lord builds the house the work done is all in vain… Vanity .. Futile or worthless. Such the opposite of what He longs to create…. He has beckoned me to play this evening…. He has taken my hand and with a joyful smile and that glint in His eye He has said come… come away with me….. He knows me so very well……. He knows how to bring delight into the core of my being… He knows how to Father me and He knows where I love to walk… and He brings me there along side of Himself… declaring I am His daughter… declaring that He is my Father…. I am His .. thoroughly … completely His…..

I witnessed something in the last few days that mirrored some very terrifying events from my younger days ….what seems to be a completely different life but yet truly wasn’t …. I tried to walk around that which I saw and leave it alone…. I tried to get to a place where I could just push it aside and ignore that which I saw…. Today it caught up with me…. exhausted from lack of sleep and troubled by haunting images I began to crumble…….. But He has set me into His shadow and He keeps me so very well…. And while He brought rest to my soul … He brought comfort to my heart……

It is out of these moments when the past screams in and along with a vicious enemy declares its intentions for my life….. Not the first time I have heard them and certainly not the last…. Words declared over my life were of death and destruction….. It was said of me that I would never be able to walk in this world as a connected human being…. That I should never marry… that I should never have children.. that I would never understand right from wrong… that I would never have a conscious….. the affects of walking where I had walked had born down upon me their weight and had left nothing but a skeleton of a human being. And the verdict or so called verdict was in……. Not so!

Not so at all….. God has this effect on a pile of dry bones… He brings them to life….. and they are no longer laying in a valley but standing strong…. I am a daughter… clothed in armor and ready for battle…. A battle where I know love will be the victor and the bones of others will be put together and brought back to life… and an army will arise with passion in their hearts and joy in their steps for a Father has called them forth….

Maybe one day the images of days gone by will no longer have any grasp upon my soul and nothing I would ever see would lay a hold of my heart and trigger pain but if that day does not come while I walk this Earth then I will rejoice and be glad for in my weakness He is made strong…. And on a day when the past tried to barrel into the present He stood and said “NO!” He has not left me alone nor has He ever forsaken me …. He has brought to my side His presence and fellow members of His body and He has led me beside the shadowed valleys into a gloriously lighted path….. darkness does not get its way….. For His light obliterates the darkness…. And His delight is in bringing forth life and light and liberty…..

Out of this place is coming forth an expression of His heart ….. something whose banner reads “Becoming You.” In the stages of pregnancy with this it is a joining of women…. A coming forth and a calling forth of women.. old and young… to enter into the passions of a Father… to be empowered to leap forth over the obstacles that would bind and tear down and become daughters and sisters…. In the days and months to come there will be more….. lots more…. And I know that my eyes will watch the joy of my Lord roll out upon His daughters as He lavishes His great love upon us all…….. How marvelous are His works…. I delight in them all…..

Consider this: The Father has given us his love. He loves us so much that we are actually called God's dear children. And that's what we are. 1 John 3:1

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