Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Free 8 Week Stir The Water Webinar: Stirring the Waters: Cultivating a Lifestyle After the Heart of God.

It has been a year of discovery. A place where in some form or facet there are questions being asked, quotes being quoted, dialogue concerning Him, His ways, and His passions. Not just dry and methodical theological discourses mind you, but a searching out of His heart. It is the coming together in coffee shops, kitchens, car rides with a brother or a sister and talking about Him, and what does it mean to walk with Him and love Him and serve Him in the 21st century.

In that I began to discover and rediscover what my heart's desires have been since I came to know Christ over 20 years ago.

 I have always relished the words of God, when He speaks out about being our God and calling us His people. I have always loved.. I MEAN LOVED Brother Lawrence's Practicing the Presence of God.

 I have always loved the fact that God still spoke. I have loved the mystics of old and the brothers and sisters of today who find the path of contemplative prayer and live there.

So where that brings me is this...

 I am an extrovert on a meditative journey.

 I want to do this with people.

 I want to create spaces for people to discover or rediscover (as I have been doing) themselves and the Lord.

 I want to create spaces for people to tune into the depths of who they are and who God is; as to form out their life in a way after God's own heart.

What does it mean to walk the pace of Heaven? How does prayer become an adventure? What does it mean and how does one invite God into each and every minute of the day? How can the disciplines become a dance and a delight and not a method to prove my worth or perform? What should I meditate upon? Where does creativity come in? How can my senses awaken and how can I more thoroughly understand what I perceive through them? What are these dreams? What do they mean? What are the mysteries of the night?

If you know me at all you know I love words. I wanted to encompass all that was upon my heart and ask you to join me, walk with me along this path... let's talk together and discover alongside one another the immense delight we can have in knowing and being known by our God.

So tongue in check but not really... Here is the very long title I came up with when I was day dreaming about starting this time together.....

The would be not so glamorous but utterly amazing lifestyle of a dreamer, seer; person who loves the revelatory heart of God being expressed through time and space and humanity. Or more simply put and fitting into the space for the title of the webinar.. Stirring the Waters: Cultivating a Lifestyle After the Heart of God.

I began to think of the Karate Kid. I thought about “wash the car,” “sand the floor,” and “paint the fence.” I am always thinking of how can I become a person who has an interior that is formed out and fashioned by the Lord and how do I become a person who walks intrinsically after the heart of our God. What are the tools? How can I live a life in this modern day world that exemplifies the passion of my God but not perform it and exhaust myself BUT really live?

Join me for a Free series of webinars where we examine:

  1. Inviting God into each minute
  2. Words of the ancients
  3. Prayer becomes an adventure
  4. Disciplines become a dance
  5. Creativity becomes a choice
  6. Revelation is Everywhere
  7. Awakening the Senses –The Seer
  8. Understanding the Mysteries of the Night – The Dreamer

So starting on Monday, April 28th and running through June 23 (skipping memorial day) we will meet and spend a week on each topic, at 9:30am (est)
Here is the Link Registration Web Link:

Look forward to Being together on the journey.


Unknown said...

This sounds wonderful! Will this be available to watch/read in the evenings for those of us who work during the day?

mims said...

Yes... The session will all be recorded and released the same day

gina white said...

so if I want to watch later in the evening, I should still register?

mims said...

yes!!!register and you will get the link emailed to you