Thursday, October 22, 2009

When it seems as if the road has come to an end and a wall is staring you in the face the real adventure begins.

I have sat with the Lord this evening and early morning. I have thought and prayed for our country. I have thought and prayed for our local schools as they are dealing with sickness and loss of life. I have thought and prayed on oh so many things that have to come to mind. And now in the early morning hours have I come to a "Jerry McGuire" moment? You know when he is faced with the truth of his industry and writes out a vision statement.... reflecting on the way it was received I pause and hesitate and think about just heading to bed.

So what ... what landed in my heart and stirred me to arise. The idea that I don't always care enough. The idea that complacency has found a place in my heart and I have settled for mediocrity. Not knowing or believing that there is more. Lack of seeing something already in existence that I could hop on board with, allowed a deep discouragement to settle into the very essence of my being. Facing the proverbial dead end.. and wondering if this is it...

What would happen if a community of people cared enough? What would happen if we sitting in the doctor's office looked around and cared if there was a mom there with no insurance? If that mom was wondering if (now that she was at the doctor's office... because she has waited to come to make sure it was really necessary ... because she understood all too well the cost.. and now it is REALLY necessary.. almost more than necessary.. but now she is paying for a doctor's visit and medication) and so now she is wondering if bread and milk... or other basic essentials will be able to be bought... DO I CARE ENOUGH... Or do I sit there ?

Do I think, as I prepare dinner and take things out of the refrigerator and the pantry, of the child who is hungry? Do I even consider that that child might be just down the street in my neighborhood?

Do I allow these things to affect me or do I shelter myself from the reality because it is too big a problem to solve.. or there is too much need and who am I as one individual and where would I even start? Do I allow myself to care?

What would happen if we cared enough......

But we are facing 5000 men and unnumbered women and children that we need to feed.... and there is only a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread...... in today's vernacular ... we have limited resources and I am stretched to just make ends meet for my family alone.... Are we like the widow of Zaraphath who is just going to make the last meal and face her and her son's death from starvation? Spiritual or actual?

I want to challenge myself to believe that there is always enough..... because when after all the people had eaten from the bread and fish there were baskets ... baskets... BASKETS..... left!!!!

I don't want to shelter my heart anymore... I want to care enough and see the loaves and fish multiply before me.


Joanne said...

I really enjoyed reading your post. I saw your link on facebook but did not realize that it was your blog, or I would have clicked sooner. :)

Patty Portier Wade said...

You are a gifted writer. You give us something to consider and then there's a decision to be made. I too want to see the baskets and baskets before me. Keep sharing your heart.

Danni said...

great post mims! I often wonder the same easy it is to get caught up in the "me-ness" of them moment and close our eyes to those around us. God, help us to see with your eyes, to feel with Your heart!