Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Favorite Line.. if I do say so myself

she saw me in a prison and did not hesitate and she became the key........

As I reread this ... this last sentence that I just wrote it would not let me go.... last night Heidi Baker shared about keeping our eyes and ears opened to suffering.. to the suffering of children and people... well, Sue Frisbie (sorry girl .. not to embarrass you at all) did that very thing... she kept her eyes open and she saw me and she became that key....
We need to look and see who the Lord will put in our path.... and walk with them.... Heidi talked about fervent love... a love that does not stop... that kind of love is what revolutionized my life and made me who I am today... capable of being a Child of God.. a wife... a mom... a friend... a person... really, a person.... I was so fractured before being love fervently.... we are God's love to this world...

I write this story because in some way I am feeling compelled.... I am feeling like it will be a testimony of what love can do when it is allowed to have its day .. and so I reveal and write... so that Light shines forward only darkness keeps things hidden

Let's be Keys!!!!!!!

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