Saturday, September 14, 2013

10 minutes of perfection set the tone for life.....................

There are many portions of yesterday I would rewrite.

There are many portions of yesterday that are precious to me and that I am very grateful for deep within.

But there are ten minutes where I stepped into perfection.

Trying to orient myself this morning to this day, it was those ten minutes that lifted my heart and started to form out my thinking.

Those ten minutes are full of the purest joy, absolute delight and strength and assurance.

This morning I have the understanding that it would be the Lord's great pleasure if I would use those ten minutes as my true North.  I don't have fullness of understanding but I do possess a willingness to allow those ten minutes to wrap around me and encamp about me and my memories and be the basis of the guiding principals upon which to build my life.

We walked down the three front steps.  Elizabeth and I were bare foot.  The sun rising over the rock quarry shone through the trees.  Elizabeth, Greg and I, all heading to the bus stop.  The night before I had rediscovered the acapella  version of "Be Thou My Vision."  I turned on the music and it flooded over the children and I.  Lizzie began to try to sing.  Greg just smiled.  Satisfaction filled the air.  Solid. A solidness just saturated the air.  All ... Everything ... was right...

Our three shadows stretched out before us and played together.  At one point we were one big shadow and then we were three....  The music continued to fill the air.  The trees forming a canopy over us.. Delight swirling all about us.

That which makes up Gregory, that which forms out Elizabeth... in those sweet precious early morning moments I was captivated by love and surrounded by pure joy.





Not exactly solitude but a being togetherness that felt very much like a union of love and oneness that was in its essence perfection.

This morning as I sat and paused and attempted to sort through the issues that will be addressed in the next blog .. The Lord pointed to these ten minutes.

"To be with you, to be together........... Let those ten minutes be your guide towards joy."

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