Friday, July 19, 2013

Detroit IS NOT Bankrupt ...The world does not get to dictate your circumstances... What is the fate for Detroit? And other questions and other answers

I am not ever one to jump on political commentary or even current affairs.  I am not one to put out a daily prophetic word or place opinion out there haphazardly....

But this morning as I read about Detroit something hit my gut...

This is not a statement that Detroit won't be financially bankrupt...  This is not a statement that some miracle will prevent the government from doing what it sees needs to be done... This is a statement that calls to reject the verdict however that Detroit is bankrupt.  IT is that IS that fell upon my heart this morning...

I thought of the individuals not the city and then I thought of the city and I began to pray... I began to weep... I began to think of the retired individuals who now don't have the assurance of food.. I began to think of the fear that is sweeping the homes.. the anger.. the unrest... and then again I began to pray...

There were major declarations over my life that had facts in place but were faulty... why?  because they didn't consider that fact that there is a God who has numbered every hair on my head and cares about my heart... There is a God who heals the sick, restores the wounded, feeds the hunger and loves ... LOVES!

SO this morning something hit my gut and utterly rejected the notion that the people of Detroit's fate rest in the hands of the government... that whether I have ever seen it before or will ever see it in my life time I believe in a God that turns water into wine, feeds 5000 from a few fish and some bread, heals the sick, restores the needy and sweeps down upon a people and brings hope and life and joy and faith and peace...

So Detroit while all that are smarter than I and more educated then I and more powerful in the world than I say that you are bankrupt.. I say this.. SILVER AND GOLD HAVE I NONE BUT WHAT I GIVE TO YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST RISE UP AND WALK!!!!!!!!

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