Friday, September 28, 2012

All this because a Heavenly beast like creature stepped into my laundry room ….

I am learning to forget about road maps... or plans... I have seen myself writing from this place for years and have not ever been able to step in or participate... not thinking that I have missed it but that it has been drawing me towards this moment for a very long time and there is gate now that I am willing to enter through and places to put my steps... a winding path... at times.. more like the seemingly random stones you step on to cross over a stream... but step by step or curve by curve I have stepped into an Alice in Wonderland type reality.

Still the mom of six kids and still a wife.... still with daily responsibilities but also now living with eyes that have been flung further open and a heart willing more than ever to walk with Him... He has held out His hand and gazed at me with a look that speaks more than thousands upon thousands of words.... My heart has been wooed towards weakness... my being is becoming settled in the unknown... the uncharted....

It startles me more and more how much life goes unseen.. the countless .. numerous invitations to take a hold of His hand... gaze into His gaze … walk where He walks... it interrupts.. it isn't convenient … but my eyes are made wider and wider and my Grinch like heart and soul grow size after size....

one part cries irresponsible while the other place hears the beckoning and allows the wooing and comes... It is a trust walk unto Him unlike I have ever walked... listening.. He truly does direct my path.. my own understanding certainly not leaned upon … learning to trust Him more thoroughly then I ever thought.. as flesh cries out and bawks and soul enters into places ever so timidly... But the hunger in my spirit overrides.. more than that it is His gaze.. His presence found here... Him... beyond gaze.. beyond presence.. Him.. Him … standing there looking at Him.... feeling Him... knowing He is ever looking over my shoulder.. knowing there is no place I go He does not see... knowing there is no place I tread that He doesn't care....

Taking Him at His word.... the plunge has been taken.. the cliff jumped off of.... Liken this season of weakness as the moments prior to Elisha's servant eyes being made open... before I didn't see all that surrounded me and now... well, now I am anticipating how truly full the reality is once the eyes are opened and once it is seen that greater are those that are with us then those we see that are against us....

Standing in front of my washer machine.. putting the first of what will be many loads of laundry in this weekend... a beast appears to my right and I feel like I have been hijacked into a realm beyond me.... standing there I think very quickly... “good beast? Bad beast?” But it doesn't take long to sense his heart.. to know who it is he worships... and I smile because I am in the company of one who I will know for all eternity..

“He wants you to write...”

What? Laundry calls today... do you see this house... do you see that room.. those dishes... all the thoughts that go through my head....

And then the room fills with Him... the familiar wooing..... and I stand there... thinking clean or listen... clean or listen...

As I write this I realize the importance of these moments...

I had choice... I saw clearly and heard clearly but it didn't start that way in the beginning.. they were simple unclear moments out of the peripheral of my eyes... they were a twinge of longing to be with Him... they were a thought that could be so easily dismissed... Even over the last few days wooings have been ignored... His desire for me to write in this moment.. step into that moment... to know Him.. invitations and beckonings and moments not taken.

Remembering this morning standing in front of my washer and thinking of all that needed to get done today on my timing and my schedule I think upon the creature... I think upon Him, my Lord....His wooing and I wondered.... wondered what does it mean to give into these moments where I am being drawn towards other things..... You might say it is an obvious choice and I would say it is a choice …. moment by moment.. day by day....

I want it to be said of me the same as Jesus... that I see the Father and what He is doing and that I can only do that which He is doing and that I can do nothing of my own accord..... His ways.. His path.. His day...

The more I step.. the less I ignore... the more I enter... the more I see... touching that creature today... feeling his created essence.... feeling the atmosphere of Heaven so readily upon him. I am being changed... being birthed into something I do not even slightly comprehend... I know this from a place of weakness that this is all being birthed.... in stepping into weakness.. in embracing the reality of the unseen and how it interacts and mingles with the here and now I am being changed...

Elisha's servant was granted strength and courage as his eyes were opened and made aware.....

We are not big at speaking prophetic words that say things like in this season or in this time.... but the reality is as those who have their citizenship in another place... it is time for us to be more acquainted with those realities and it is time for us to allow the mindset of Heaven to fill our beings..... as ambassadors of one place to another we need to know the place from which we come all the more intimately.. and realize that there is far more that is for us then we have ever stopped to think or imagine or wonder.....

All this because a Heavenly beast like creature stepped into my laundry room ….

Having stepped away and about to step back I am changed... altered.. made stronger... the reality of Heaven more upon my mind … His wooing landing upon my heart.... His passion for me granted access into my being... Having not leaned on my own understanding but in this way acknowledging Him... He has actually washed away the feelings of being overwhelmed by all the tasks of the weekend and I feel even more able to accomplish them not in my own strength but in a strength granted straight from the place where my Father is worshipped...

And as I finish.. as my fingers and my heart know this time is coming to an end.... I see up towards Him and I hear the “Holy.. Holy.. Holy...” and I am reminded of whose I am … and of where I am from...

Off to do another load of laundry... off to fold.. and put away.. off to clean and organize... off to wander into a day of the seen and the unseen... citizen of Heaven walking upon the earth.... Daughter to a most amazing Father.... Beloved.. adored... treasured... understanding my worth more and more .. little bit by little bit.... Because He lavishes His love upon us... and woos us from deep unto deep

1 comment:

Brenda K. said...

Ohhhh I am deeply touched by your words dear Mims....I sooooo long to walk in my citizenship that is from on High, Heavens Country!

You have boosted my faith and given me hope that I too can walk in these levels of His Glory that you articulate so beautifully!

Thank you from the depths of my being, You are a wonderful Blessing sent from God to me!!

I can't wait to feel the created essence of heaven! Once I stared to place my hand on a wooden table and the molecular structure changed, my hand went right through it!! That has never happened again but I know it will!!

Much Love Brenda K.