Wednesday, May 16, 2012

And the truth comes to set us free

In this blog it has been my attempt.. my journey to unmask the shroud of life around mental illness... to talk openly about what it has meant to me for the Lord to take me from a place of dry bones to a place where I live a life nobody ever anticipated I would ever walk in....

In this blog it has been my attempt to share vulnerably and transparently and authentically about what it has felt like to be mentally ill.. what it has felt like to have no hope.. what it has felt like to find peace and love and joy and growth...

In this blog I have wept and rejoiced and laughed and sighed and been pushed to the brink of sharing more at times then I ever thought I would...

In this blog I thought I knew what authenticity and vulnerability was .. I thought I was a transparent person and then in this blog I learned that really what I thought authenticity was was a far cry from where Jesus wanted for me to walk...

In this blog I have taken time away from it.. needing time to process real life and how raw with you do I want to be... In this blog I have journeyed to a place where I have learned that in sharing the struggles we are more connected then not.... and in sharing life and weakness others get to feel not so alone...

In this blog I have spoken  that there were thought patterns and behaviors that kept me from the truth of God and His affections for me...  Things I believed that caused me to misinterpret the actions of God or those around me.... They kept me from the provision that God pours out.. They kept me from His presence and they kept me from His power..... As I learned to deal with those things in my life and replace lies with truth I have flourished in areas where before I was perishing....

In this blog I now want to invite you to journey with me  into a class that two amazing people are teaching starting at the end of this month... Mitch and Leigha Semones are teaching Founations Of Freedom part 2: Freedom from Strongholds....  ( )

The material presented within this class is unparalleled... We hosted a Foundation of Freedoms class back in February and the life giving teaching and ministry that flowed forth propelled people into levels of abundant life that they had yet to experience.....  (You can purchase that video class, 8 sessions.. 16 hours... taught by Rick Sizemore by following this link )

I have perished because of lack of understanding.. but now I thrive....  These teaches have been a huge part of that journey for me and I encourage you to check them out....

For more information and to register go to  Look forward to being in online class with you at the end of the month!

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