Friday, August 27, 2010

Out from the Wilderness comes a Daughter

I am one who feels stronger when I am around people. A true extreme extrovert I gain energy and momentum when I am with others…. (funny side note as much as I am an extrovert I married a crazy extreme introvert… it has been an interesting journey walking our lives out.. maybe more about that in another post) Talking through anything and everything I am provoked towards ideas and their expression in ways that had not come without those moments of fellowship. And yet this past season has drawn me more into the terrain of wilderness and longing and loneliness.

But what is said about the wilderness is so true. As tears stream quietly and gently down my face I recognize the power of the wilderness and how it’s land has changed me. As was written in Hosea I was wooed into the wilderness where He spoke tenderly and with compassion to me…. He has given me doorways of hope and removed from me false gods. And He has fashioned me into one like the Shulamite from Song of Solomon coming up out of the wilderness leaning upon the object of my affection……

Still an extrovert in heart and soul but eyes open to the truth that the strongest source of any energy dwells with me constantly and I can firmly and always find refuge within His being. As I continue to journey the aftermath of my 100 days I find myself walking on new landscapes of His heart …. Within the unforced rhythms of grace I am finding my way into being a daughter and having a Father….. And it is good…..

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