Monday, March 14, 2011

What else can I do.... He is all that I want

There are times words just float all around me and come forward with ease and form themselves into paragraphs and pages.... there are times thoughts and ideas just flow and my fingers can not jump quick enough upon the keys as to get the words out....

But tonight.... as the evening just begins I emerge from a day of being under His presence... being filled with longing... being shaken and stirred beyond that which I have known in a long time.....

There is much upon my heart and there is much upon my soul and my eyes stare out into the unknown of what the tomorrows may bring ... I lack the understanding of that which is being said just that there is a prelude playing.... an invitation beckoning... new horizons emerging.....

Today there has been a setting of affections... I have taken walks and paused throughout my day and stood silently in the midst of my kitchen... I have looked out windows and looked upon the screen and looked and looked and looked..... I have paused... I have journeyed... I have seen......

While understanding lacks I have lived a deliberate laying down before Him and a solemn type of a day... a day where I have looked up at Him and taken a place of creation in light of Creator.... object of affection in light of the King of all Kings.... child in light of the Father.....

A settled acknowledgement of His greatness has emerged within my soul.... while my heart still pounds within my being and my mind still races to try to comprehend that which this moment is about I stand and I stand staring up at Him...




Full of Grace...

Abounding in Mercy...

In my simple acknowledgement I yearn to yield all that I am to all that He is and dance with Him and be with Him and merge all that I am with all that He is and live that ... truly live that..... whatever that may mean..... what else can I do.... He is all that I want

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